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Derrick was all alone in the bush listening to the beautiful songs of the most melodious creations, the birds. The peaceful atmosphere of the bush made his heart sink. That is the place that Derrick would always go to every time he was thinking about something deep, upset about something, happy or worried but this time, it was something different, it was a deep feeling. A feeling that touched the very base of his heart, a feeling of love.
''I think I have fallen in love. I can't think of anything else other than that girl. When will I see her again? I basically have no clue where to find her. I want to have a chance and pour out my feelings to her. I want to let her know about how I really feel for her. '' Derrick thought with his chin supported by his left palm. Just then, he heard footsteps and to his surprise, there again was the girl of his dreams. This time, the girl wasn't alone, she was accompanied by someone else.
''It is you again,'' Derrick said.
''Oh yes, I hope you are not building up castles in the air this time around,'' the girl said teasingly.
''You are funny. No, I am not.''
When the other girl saw that the conversation was still going on, she moved a few steps ahead leaving the two alone.
''I will be there soon, do not leave me. I will not take long.''
''Sorry, I hope I am not bothering you.''
''It is okay and there is nothing wrong in knowing each other.''
''My name is Derrick''
''Nice meeting you Derrick, I am Taphen.''
''Taphen, what a pleasant name you have,''
''Oh, thank you.''
''Do you mind if we could meet, a little more regular. I just want to know you a little bit more?"
''No, I do not mind but .......''
''I know what you are thinking, don't say it. By the way, you are beautiful, I must say.''
''Thank you Derrick.''
''The pleasure is mine.''
''I must go, Ameena must be tired of waiting for me.''
''Oooh ...sure, I will see you tomorrow then.''
Derrick watched every move as Taphen walked away.''
''You took long Taphen.''
''Sorry girlfriend.''
''What were you taking about?''
''it is nothing serious.''
''Are you sure?''
''Sure ...yes Ameena. About Geoffrey...''
''Just stop it, I do not want to hear his name.''
''No listen to me. There must be a way out of this. Look, Geoffrey cannot just make such a decision out of the blues. I think someone else is involved?''
''Who?'' Ameena asked with her eyes wide open.
''I do not know who. But I am sure he has another girl in mind. That is the only possibility. We just have to find out more.''
"Taphen, I love Geoffrey but I don't think after everything, I can face him.''
Taphen saw tears coming out of Ameena's eyes and decided it was for the best if she diverted the conversation.

Intricate Love Triangle Where stories live. Discover now