14 Where Is She?

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                                                                  3rd P.O.V

Half an hour later, everyone was up and moving to some extent.

 Nat was on the ground cursing in Russian.

 Steve didn't have the energy to correct her as he leaned against a wall.

 Stephen and Thor recovered the quickest, and were trying to help the other's with recovering.

 Tony stood, watching everyone try and not collapse and pass out

. Loki sat next to Peter, who had yet to awaken.

 Clint was talking with Bruce, telling him how lonely it had been in the tower without everyone there. 

Fury stood off by himself, observing everyone recovering in different ways. 

Tony wanted to ask Fury a question, but he went to check up on the kid instead. 

Loki was sitting next to him, gripping his hand. 

"Is he okay? Why isn't he waking up?", he asked softly.

 Loki shook his head, "I don't know, I feel like I should, but,", he turns to Tony with tears dripping down his face....gold tears. 

"Loki...your-your tears....", Tony Interrupted him.

 Sighing deeply, he touched them. He looked at them in a confused manner. 

"I-I I don't know..", just then Peter started to stir, and then tremble. 

He started to whimper and thrash about, Shit, he's having a nighterror... Tony could recognize the signs well enough, having had them for his whole entire life.

Tony shook his shoulders, trying to get him to at least calm down, if not wake up.

 "Kid! Kid, you need to wake up... Peter!". 

 Peter shot straight up, and with a wild look in his eye started to back into a corner.

 Every turned to try and help, but froze when he turned....blue? 

"Your not real...", Peter's small voice whispered quietly, "your not real..". 

He kept repeating himself as Loki walked towards him slowly.

 Peter kept his head down and was rocking himself in a fetal position.

 Loki turned into his Jotun form and he knelt before Peter.

  Wait...why do they look.... Tony's thought process was interrupted by Peter.

 Peter looked up and his face broke into happiness as he sobbed.

 "Dad? Are yo-you really here?". He reached a tentative hand out, expecting it to fall through as if he was a hologram.

 His blue hand touched Loki's blue face as golden tears fell down both of their faces. 

"You're alive!"Peter screamed with happiness as he collapsed into his Loki's arms.

 As Loki comforts his son, not really understanding what he had said, Tony walked over to Fury.

 "Fury, where is she? Where is my daughter?". 

Fury looks at Tony, "Stark, she's the one who brought you back, but she's afraid none of you will remember". He said, addressing everyone.

 "Wait,", Steve spoke, gaining everyone's attention, "who are we talking about? Cuz I have no idea what you're saying...you had a daughter Tony?". 

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