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I woke up the next morning by the sound of my alarm. My head was hurting like hell and I was still tired even though I got 8 hours of sleep. It was 7:30 am I had to get to work at 8:30. I rushed out of bed and brushed my teeth I didn't even bother taking a shower. I went ahead and got dressed in my work uniform. It was a blue button-up with khaki pants.
I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. Sending a quick text to my mom that I love her and I will see her later. Once I arrived at the shop it wasn't really busy only me and my manager Ava were here.

"Good morning Paige!" Ava greeted me in her high-pitched voice.

"Good morning." I walked over to the back of the counter putting on my apron.

"Since it's not busy you could take an early break." Ava smiled walking towards me.

"Ok thank you so much." I smiled back and went to the tables pulling a book out of my bag. I began reading for 5 minutes until I heard someone slamming the door. Startled by the loud noise I looked up to see a very tall man with round glasses and curly brown hair. He looked very out of breath he was practically running went he came inside. He didn't look familiar though.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Ava my car ran out of gas," He said in a thick English accent. Ava giggled a little at him blushing in the process. I just rolled my eyes and faced my attention back towards my book.

"It's okay luckily no one's here but be on time next time." The man nodded at her and sat down at my table which was very small so we were nearly touching shoulders.

"Hello!" I looked up from my book to see him smiling wide at me.

"Hey," I said back continuing to read my book.

"I'm Wilbur I haven't see you around here." He held out his hand.

"I'm Paige I barely started working here last week," I replied. I took his hand shaking it gently and let go. I was a little annoyed but I was trying not to show that.

"Oh well that explains it I was out of town last week." I nodded at him and smiled a small smile. I started reading my book again page after page word after word. After a couple of moments of silence, Wilbur began talking again.

"What are you reading?"

"I'm reading pride and prejudice. Have you read it before?"

"No, I don't read that much. what's it about?" He placed his hand on his chin intrigued. I began telling him the plot but I didn't spoil anything just in case if he wanted to read it. It felt like it was really easy talking to him. Sometimes he would comment on some parts making little jokes here and there. It was the funniest time I had since I moved to London. Before I knew it our break was done and people started coming into the shop. We got up and started walking towards the counter and severing the customers.

"Where are you from I notice your American." He asked while making a cappuccino for one of the customers.

"I'm originally from Sacramento and I barely moved here a month ago with my mom." I looked up at him in his brown eyes he looked at me.

Wilburs P.o.v:
I looked up at her in her chocolate brown eyes. She was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. She had long wavy brunette hair. With light freckles speckled around her cheeks and nose. She smiled at me a perfect smile showing her dimples at the corners of her mouth. She then began blushing a champagne pink shade on her cheeks it was the type of blush to send shivers down your spine. She looked down at the ground and began doing what she was doing before.

"Why did you move here?" I asked curiously.

"Well I couldn't go to college and since my mom always wanted to move here I went with her she's like my best friend." Her voice soothing full of comfort.

"Do you like it here?" I asked

"No not at all but if I do leave I don't even know where I would go."

"I hate it here also. Not my first choice to be living at. But I was wondering are you free tomorrow maybe we could get lunch?"

Paiges P.o.v:

Tomorrow I have my first round of chemotherapy so I was busy but what do I say I didn't want to lie but I couldn't just say. Oh ya by the way I have cancer and tomorrow I'm doing chemotherapy which me good luck. So I decided to lie.

"I'm kinda busy tomorrow." I replied looking away from him.

"Oh well, that's okay."

"Maybe some other time I can do it on Friday!" I happily said.

"That will be great so it's a date." Date I like the sound of that.

"It's a date!" After serving people and talking to Wilbur I left the shop and drove home. My mom wasn't at home she was going to the grocery store and I really wasn't that hungry. I still had this horrible headache from earlier. So I took a quick shower changing into some pajamas. I didn't want to go to bed yet so I turned on the Tv watching Gilmore girls while writing in my journal.

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now