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Wilbur's P.o.v:

I woke up the next morning Paige was still asleep. I decided today was the day I was going to tell her I like her no not like more like in love. I was in love with her.

Paige's P.o.v:

I woke up my head was on Wilbur's chest his arm around me bringing a smile to my face.

"Good morning," He said in a raspy voice I'm guessing that was his morning voice I liked it a lot.

"Good morning!" Wil checked his phone then looked at me.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." He got up from the bed.

"Oh is everything okay?"

"Ya everything is good I just have to run a few errands."

"Okay bye." I waved my hand.

"Bye." He waved his hand and left. 'Did I do something wrong?' I thought. 'Why did he leave right when I woke up?' 'Does he not like me?' I thought again. 'Like he said he's probably running errands.' To take my mind off of it I called Kate asking if she wanted to come over and she happily accepted.

A little while later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it up and it was her wearing a dress with a black head scarf wrapped around her head. She immediately pulled me in a hug.

"And hello to you too," I said once she pulled away she smiled and walked in.

"Let's go in my room I have to tell you something." I suggested

"Okay!" We went into my room and sat on my unmade bed.

"So what do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Well, this is all hypothetical." Kate nodded her head and I continued to talk.

"So hypothetically what if this girl likes this guy and she doesn't know if he feels the same way back and she doesn't want to mess up their friendship"

"Well I would say you should ask him out Paige and confess your feeling for him."

"Ok- wait what I don't like him this is just hypothetically."

"Oh spare me that hypothetical crap I know you like someone."


"Well there is a beanie on the ground that's red and I know for a fact that you hate red. So that means someone spent the night here because the bed is also unmade. Then you always talk about a friend whenever you talk about him you get all flustered."

"Wow" Was all I could say.

"I know I'm a good detective." She got up from my bed looking around the room.

"So who's the lucky guy"

"Um his name is Wilbur."

"So I'm guessing you have a crush on him." She was looking at some records I have in a box.

"I do."

"And you haven't told him how you felt."


"Are you planning on telling him?"


"Paige." She was now looking at me.


"You have to tell him sooner or later."

"Okay mom can I do it later maybe like in 50 years?" Kate grabbed a pillow and threw it at me.

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now