Walking On A Dream

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~1 week later~

It was the day I get my results. I was in the waiting room trying to be as patient as I could. My mom wasn't with me today. I told her not to come just because what if they say something bad. I don't want to see that one look on her face. The look she had the day we found out I have cancer. I told Wil not to come either. But he could get really stubborn sometimes so he insisted on coming with me.

"Paige Davidson were ready for you." A short brunette lady announced from around the corner. I looked at Wilbur giving him a small smile then holding his hand getting up. We both walked over following the lady to the doctor's office. Once we got there we sat in the chairs. Wil drew random patterns with his finger on my arm trying to comfort me.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" I didn't notice but the lady was still in the room she smiled at us.

"You two are too cute are you guys married?" And before I could think I blurted out.

"I wish" But before I could say anything else doctor Wright walked in with a happy expression. Maybe good news after all.

"Hello, Mrs. Davidson, and who is this." He pointed to Wil.

"This is my boyfriend his name is Wilbur"

"Ahh well, it's wonderful to meet you!"

"It good to meet you too," Wilbur said. Doctor Wright looked towards me. 'Oh no here comes the bad part.' I thought

"Well I'm happy to inform you but you're officially in remission. Congratulations Paige!" Well, that definitely wasn't the news I was expecting. I began to cry happy tears throwing my arms around Wilbur.

"You did it love" He whispered to me making it feel more real.

"Just make sure that you look out for symptoms like fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite stuff like that. Remission means you are not fully cured it can come back between the 5 years. But if it doesn't then you will officially be cancer-free."

"Okay, I will look out for those things just thank you so much."

"No problem Paige and once again congratulations!"

Small-time skip

I told my mom the news and she was so happy. We cried then hugged and cried again. I told Kate too. I could practically hear her smile over the call if that was possible. Now me and Wilbur we're on my bed staring at the ceiling.

"So did you mean it." He asked.

"Mean what?"

"That you want to marry me." Of course, I want to marry him. He's the love of my life. But does he feel the same way?

"Maybe it depends do you want to marry me," I told back

"I do want to marry you." I blushed while rolling over so I could kiss him.

"Good!" I said once I pulled away.

"So I'm guessing you wanna marry me too!" He said sounding cheerful.

"I do Mrs. Gold has a nice ring to it."

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat