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TW// Mentions of self-harm, scars, cyberbullying, and talks of suicide. I will put a TW when the part comes up.

I was eating leftover pizza with my mom when she asked the question.

"So honey who's the special guy." 'how does she know'

"I don't know what you are talking about." I lied

"Stop lying." I let out a deep breath.

"How did you know," I muttered. I don't know why I didn't want her to know I just did.

"A mother has her ways. Now tell me everything!" She put her hand on her chin clearly interested. I couldn't help but smile at her. So I told her everything. To the first conversation, the garden, and the first kiss even him asking me to be his girlfriend.

"Wow, that's romantic." She said amused. I laughed at her.

"Do you have a picture of him?" I nodded grabbing my phone showing a picture I took of me and him on the Ferris wheel.

"A looker too. You hit the jackpot!"

"I really did."

"So can I meet him tomorrow?"

"Mom we been dating for less than 24 hours I think it might be too soon," I said picking at my food.

"C'mon I wanna meet my future son-in-law."

"Again we only dated for less than 24 hours."

"Honey you never know and please I want to meet him." She put her hands up in a praying position.

"Fine just don't embarrass me." I held out my pinky she did the same.

"Pinky promise." She said wrapping our fingers together.

"Pinky promise," I whispered. I got up going to my room to call Wilbur. On the second ring, he picked up.

"Hello love" The nickname could send a million butterflies to my stomach in seconds.

"Hey um I was wondering if you would like to meet my mom. I told her it was too soon but she insisted. You don't have to go. God sorry for rambling I tend to do that a lot and-"

"Wow you do ramble but it's cute." He chuckled.

"I will remember that," I replied blushing.

"So when should I come over?" He asked

"How about tomorrow at 2:30?"

"Great! I will see you then gorgeous."

"See you then my love." And with that, I hung up.

'Please let tomorrow go good'

*Next day*

I woke up the next morning still exhausted with a headache but it was bearable. I checked my phone it was 1:40. 'Fuck I slept in' I rushed out of bed. I brushed my teeth and put on a grey beanie with a grey crewneck and black leggings. I put on some concealer and powder but that was about it. That was the fastest I ever got ready.

"Honey Wil is here!" My mom yelled. I ran downstairs and can you believe it she was showing him my baby pictures. It's like she had it ready.


"What?" She questioned. I stared at her it was like a stare to say 'mom your embarrassing me.'

"Oh...well dinner is gonna be done in about five minutes." We both nodded our heads. My mom walked away and I sat on the sofa by him.

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now