Turning Pages part 2

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It was time for the slow dance. We weren't the best dancers so this was gonna be interesting. I put my arms around him. his hands were gripping my waist and we swayed together. We were dancing to the song Turning Pages one of my favorite romantic songs.

I've waited a hundred years
But I'd wait a million more for you

"You look gorgeous today," Wil whispered

Nothing prepared me for
What the privilege of being yours would do

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." There was a couple moments of silence but comfortable nonetheless. As we both swayed to the music.

Your love is my turning page
Where only the sweetest words remain

"I love you Wilbur I know I said that so much today but I do I just want to let you know that."

"I love you too darling I love you so much I don't think a person has ever loved someone this much." I smashed our lips together this moment was amazing. I was dancing with someone I was gonna spend the rest of my life with.

Every kiss is a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining phrase

After we went on our honeymoon in Paris it was like a dream every day felt magical. I wanted every day to be magical but it can't be like that. I wanted to have that Disney movie ending the two people live happily ever after but that will never happen.

40 days that's how long I have to live. Not even 2 weeks later I had the same symptoms the symptoms that lead me to go to the doctor 3 years ago and find out I have cancer. But this time I ignored them well I tried to but it got progressively worse. I eventually had to go to the doctor's and I did scans and I got the results I have the same cancer as before but this time it's worse so much worse. It's more aggressive and it already has spread throughout my body.

There's no need to get chemo because it won't help the doctor says I have 40 days to live that's it. I thought I would have all the time in the world to go to college become a mom spend the rest of my life with Wilbur but I don't it's impossible now. Time always felt slow but now since I already have my death date each day feels like it goes by in seconds.

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now