Nice Guy

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It's been a week since I told Wil everything. He kept his promise treated me like he had before. But today I wasn't feeling good I was constantly nausea I felt freezing and lightheaded at the same time.

Wil insisted on coming over since nobody's home. My mom tried to get a day off but her stubborn boss said no. So here I was sick wrapped up in a blanket with Wilbur beside me. His arm was wrapped around my waist and my head was on his shoulder.

A random show was on the TV but I wasn't paying attention to it. The only thing I was paying attention to was Wilbur's soft hums. He was humming an unfamiliar song but it sounded nice.

"What's the song your humming?" I asked curiously

"It's a song I wrote called The "Nice Guy" Ballad. It's not a serious song it's funny actually.

"Can you sing it?" I said in a whisper.

"Sure!" He started humming the beginning then began to sing. He voice was beautiful and the song was hilarious. I bursted out into laughter when he sung.

'So why don't you show me your tits?'

Once the song finished he looked at me to see if I like the song. I had a wide smile which is the first time I did that today. We both laughed our laughter filling the room. Once we stopped the room was silent except for his low quiet hums.

I knew the song this time it was Tongues by The frights. I found his hand intertwining our fingers making him stopping humming for a second like he was taken off guard but he then continued. I focused on the noise making me get more tired by the second. Eventually falling asleep in the mans arms.

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now