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I was pacing across the room bitting my nails I was beyond nervous. I was overthinking I couldn't help myself

"What happens if I fuck up my vows or when I cry my makeup is ruin or I step on my dress and trip and humiliate myself or if he doesn't say I do bac-."

"What did I just walked in too" Niki was standing at the doorway confused and worried. She was my one and only bridesmaid and Kate was my maid of honor. If you're wondering why it's so small it's because we wanted it that way. We both didn't want a big wedding.

"She's nervous about everything," Kate said while Niki walked up to me I was still pacing around the room. Niki grabbed my shoulders making me face her.

"Everything is going to be ok you wanna know why because you strong and amazing and he is going to say I do because he loves you." Niki was smiling.

"Here it's time to try it on it will make you feel better." Kate handed me the wedding dress I nodded at her and went into the bathroom to change. I put it on I looked lovely the sleeves were lace with a white rose pattern all over the dress. The back was opened and the train of the dress was long with a clear white fabric. My hair was in loose waves. I smiled at myself I looked different but not in a bad way in a good way but I still looked the same at the same time. If that even makes sense.

I walked out of the bathroom. They all stopped talking turning their attention towards me. Their eyes were wide with their jaws practically on the floor. Kate was the first to speak.

"Paige you look gorgeous!" She walked up hugging me making sure not to mess up my hair or make-up.

"You look so beautiful!" Niki added while grabbing my veil and putting it in my hair.

I walked up to the mirror Kate following me. She put her head on my shoulder.

"I can't believe you're getting married today. It felt like it was only yesterday when I met you" Then the realization hit I was really getting married today to the love of my life.

"I'm getting married," I whispered

"I'm getting married today!" I said louder in a happy tone.

"Now that's the spirit!" Kate replied

"Paige oh my god you look stunning!" I turned around to see my mom holding her hands out for me to hug her. I walked up to her well more like jogged. I placed my arms around her.

"Mom I missed you." I could feel my eyes getting watery. She pulled away smiling at me.

"Now don't cry I don't wanna ruin your makeup." She kissed the side of my cheek. I nodded hugging her again a little longer this time.

We both sat down on the white couch and I felt panic again. I don't have anybody to walk me down the aisle. How could I fucking forget?

"Hey what's wrong?" My mom whispered rubbing my back to comfort me.

"It's just I don't have anybody to walk me down the aisle." I placed my hands on my face.

"Of course you do" I looked at my mom confused

"I will do it! Paige, you're my daughter I'm not gonna let you walked down the aisle by yourself." A weight lifted off my chest and I felt calm once again.

"Thank you mom this means so much to me"

"I just want the best for you honey"

"Oh guys we're gonna be late we gotta go now," Niki announced rushing out the room while we all followed behind. It felt like we were never getting there it was hall after hall and door after door but eventually, we did. Niki and Kate left leaving me and my mom. The groomsmen which were Phil and the best man Tommy and the bridesmaids walked out of a different entrance. Then the song played which was the cue for me to walk down the aisle. Everyone was standing up looking at me. I suddenly felt nervous my stomach was tied in knots. My mom and I wrapped our arms together.

"You okay?" She whispered

"I'm okay just jitters just don't let me fall." She squeezed my hand

"Never" We began walking down the aisle. It felt like a never-ending hallway. Even though I was looking down I could feel everyone's eyes on me making me more panicked. Then I looked up to see him my Wilbur. His eyes lit up mine as well. He was wearing a black tux and had a little rose pinned on his pocket. I felt calm when I looked into his eyes like all the nervousness went away when I looked at him. I felt as though everything was gonna be okay. Once we were at the end my mom stopped hugging me putting my hand in his. She sat down in the front.

"I love you, Benedict." I mouthed

"I love you too Dorothy." He did the same. The pastor began talking

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union between Willam Gold and Paige Davidson." He kept talking and we kept repeating the words I couldn't believe it I have right here in front of me my soon-to-be husband. I felt so happy, tears rolling down my skin. Wil had tears coming down his face as well. It was time to say I do I said it first.

"I do"

"I do"

"With the power invested in me, you may kiss the bride!" Wil kissed me it was a soft and sweet kiss but it was full of love. I was officially married.

"I love you so much, Paige." He said once he pulled away from the kiss

"I love you too."

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now