Let The Sun In

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It's been 3 weeks since I found out I have cancer 3 weeks of chemo 3 weeks of meeting Wilbur. I was at work waiting for Wil to come over. I was sitting at our usual table listening to music. Then I heard the door open it was him.

"Good morning Wil!" Ava greeted walking up to  hug him. These past few weeks Ava dislikes me more and more I shouldn't say dislike I would use hate. She hates me because me and Wil are friends and always make jokes. Since she's in love with him and wants attention from him and she's not getting that she keeps making rude faces at me, rolling her eyes at me, and "accidentally" pushing me. I don't care though I mean yeah she's my manager but what is she gonna do. She could fire me but beside the point what is she gonna fire me for being friends with a co-worker.

"Hello, Dorothy." I woke up from my zoning out and looked over to see Wil already at our table.

"Hello, Benedict," I replied back

"What are you listening to." He scooted my phone closer to him tapping the screen to see what's playing.

"Let the sun in by the wallows." He said looking down on my phone.

"Have you heard it before?"

"I haven't is it good?"

"It's really good you wanna listen to it." He nodded his head yes and grabbed one of my earbuds placing it in his ear. I then restarted the song so he can listen to it in all its glory. I played it while I sung along quietly so the customers won't look at me weird. Once the song was over he looked at me and smiled.

"That was really good." I grinned back at him then heard the door opened but I just ignored it.

"Look it's your boyfriend," Wil whispered while quietly laughing. I looked up to see Brendon I rolled my eyes playfully punching Wil's shoulder. Brendon is a new employee. He started working here two weeks ago. He's been flirting with me any chance he gets which is very annoying. He started walking up to me smiling wide.

"Hey Paige your eyes are beautiful today." Brendon said he was now sitting next to me.

"Thanks!" I smiled while mentally cringing at how close he was.

Wilburs P.o.v
I was jealous of Brendon. Paige could end up liking him or maybe she already does. If she does I wouldn't be able to admit my feelings for her. I like her a lot she's perfect and beautiful, kind, and funny. I couldn't say that obviously she probably doesn't even feel the same way. I decided to say something since nobody was talking and now it was getting awkward
"Our breaks done so we should get going now." Brendon gave me a death stare while Paige mouthed "thank you" maybe she doesn't have feelings for him after all.

Paiges P.o.v

We all got up and started working. Wil was serving some customers and I was taking orders. It was a busy day so me and Wil didn't get to talk much. After work I went outside waiting for him. Ava was talking to him about who knows what. Finally Wil walked out of the cafe.

"Dorthy that was fucking torture back there."

"What happened." I replied while we were both walking up to his car.

"Ava asked me out." My face dropped what happens if he said yes. I mean he just said 'that was fucking torture back there.' But maybe he was saying that for show. Maybe I'm just overthinking yeah that's it I'm just overthinking. However they could possibly date and she's way more prettier than me. I don't even know why I'm thinking this Wil could date anybody he wants and we're not dating. I don't even like him like that or I think I don't like him. Wil noticing my I guess you could say sadness and stopped walking facing me.

"Hey I didn't say yes I don't like her."

"But if you did say yes it's totally fine." I was looking at the ground now. He placed his hand under my chin making me look at him.

"I don't like her okay, I would never say yes because I like someone else." Could he like me who am I kidding that's impossible. We're just friends but the thought of him liking me caused me to blush. I didn't want to think it but I think I like Wil. Shit I can't catch feelings for him I don't wanna ruin our friendship.

"So where should we go?" He asked

"The park!" He nodded the park was very close to work so we just walked. Once we got to the park we sat on the swing set. I couldn't lie to him anymore. I needed to tell him this I had to. He was bound to know.

"Wil I need to tell you something."

"Hmm" He hummed back in response.

"I-I have cancer." I was looking down my hands were shaking. Shit that not the thing I wanted to say I wanted to tell him I like him but it just came out.

Wilbur's P.o.v:

"Oh" was all I could manage to say. She had cancer this can't be real. I'm so stupid all the signs were there. She was always gone making excuses. She was getting pale and her hands were skinny you could see all the bones in her wrist. She was getting weaker everyday. She was wearing a beanie making excuses so she couldn't take it off. All the signs were there I just couldn't tell by her energetic energy. I looked up tears were falling down her cheek.

"Hey hey it's okay." I got up walking towards her caressing her cheek wiping the tears off.

"I'm sorry." She shouldn't apologize it's not her fault.

"For what."

"For not telling you sooner."

"I understand why you didn't and it's totally fine."

"I'm probably gonna die anyway." She can't die she won't I can't loose her.

"Paige look at me." She looked up her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"Your not going to die. You wanna know why because your strong and your gonna beat this I just know it." She smiled at me her smile could light up a room. She put her arms around me my head in the crook of her neck. She pulled away looking up at me.

"Can you push my seat. I wanna fill like I'm floating in the sky." Now that's the Paige I know. I smiled getting up pushing her seat.

Paige's P.o.v:
I felt like a weight was being lifted off my chest but not fully I still felt guilty for not telling him everything. But I ignored it he got up pushing my seat. I closed my eyes I felt like I was floating like gravity didn't exist and I could just float up to outer space. After a while he stopped pushing my seat. I opened my eyes jumping up and onto the ground. I turned around towards him.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" He asked.

"I would love to." We started walking on a path. His hand getting closer to mine until he intertwined our fingers. Making me gasp a little. While he was laughing quietly to himself.

"Does it hurt?"

"Sometimes but I gotten used to it."

"What type of cancer do you have."

"Acute Myeloid Leukemia I know it's a mouthful to say."

"Do you have to go to chemo?"

"Yup I hate chemo it makes me feel weak. But I made a friend her names Kate you guys would get along." He squeezed my hand making me feel safe.

"Wil I just need you to promise me something."

"Hmm," He hummed in response.

"Can you not think of me any differently"

"I won't I promise."

And I still get those stupid butterflies | W.SWhere stories live. Discover now