Episode 1: Enter Reis Dragonhaart

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Ten thousand years had passed since the sealing of Armageddon. There were now two great kingdoms in play, the Kingdom of Saggeese and the kingdom of Novatio. These two kingdoms were in a period of instability. An evil warlord by the name of Erikkus Di Devilli had quickly arisen and had already conquered the kingdom of Saggeese. There was no liberty in the kingdom of Saggeese. The people only did what Lord Devilli commanded them to do.

There was one small town in the kingdom of Saggeese called Tyron, renamed by Lord Devilli. In this town there was a small amount of freedom since the town was so insignificant that Lord Devilli paid little attention to it.

In that town, there was a poor teenage boy who lived with his grandfather. His grandfather had told him of "The Tragic Legend" and he cherished it. In his heart he knew that Dragons would rise again. His name was... Reis Dragonhaärt.


Reis was lost in a dark forest. He looked around for signs of familiarity but found none. He decided to walk on. He walked for quite a while but found himself in the same spot.

"Oh no, I've been moving in circles!" he exclaimed.

He dropped to the ground, tired.

"I can't find my way out, I'm lost," Reis admitted to himself.

"Life is just like your situation, sometimes you seem to be walking in circles but the answer to the right path lies deep within your heart" an omniscient voice said.

"Who's there?" Reis called.

Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light and Reis found himself floating in empty space.

"Reis Dragonhaärt, don't give up! Dragons will rise again! And it will be by your strength that Ryugaeia will be Dragon Earth again."

Reis opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around, he was in his bedroom.

"For days now I've been having the same dream, what's this supposed to mean?" Reis asked himself.

Then he went and washed his face.

"Reis! Reis! Are you up?" Reis' grandfather called.

"Yes grandpa! I'm coming" Reis said as he walked out of the bathroom. "I'm here grandpa" Reis said as he walked out to meet his grandfather.

"There's no food for breakfast, think you can find something for us to eat?" Reis' grandfather asked.

"Sure, just let me get my father's sword and I'll hunt for something for us to eat" Reis said.

Reis' grandfather laughed for a moment.

"You are still as impulsive as ever; your father's sword was mine, my father's and our ancestor's. It is a symbol of our family's honour; I can't allow you to use it for hunting" Reis' grandfather said with a laugh.

"C'mon gramps! You know our ancestors won't mind if it means our survival" Reis said.

"You make a good point...but I still can't allow you to use your father's sword. You know Lord Devilli has forbidden swordsmanship in this town. If you are seen with a sword, you will be killed immediately" Reis' grandfather said.

"It's people like Erikkus Di Devilli that this sword fights against. Besides you know I won't allow anyone to see it with my new technique" Reis said.

"You idiot! Magic is more forbidden than swordsmanship!!!" Reis' grandfather said.

"What are you talking about? Humans don't have magic. I just call it my secret art" Reis said.

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