Episode 18: Memories Of Truth

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Erasa couldn't sleep that night. She tried a few times but failed so she sat in bed. She recalled her words to Aurora and Shin and sudden realization hit her.

"What have I done? Why did I say those things to Aurora and Shin?" she asked herself.

"Shin, if only you were alive, you'd know what to do" Erasa said as she burst into tears.

Shin too couldn't sleep. He lay tossing and turning in bed.

"Calm down Erasa, I'm sorry for making you feel so uncomfortable but you didn't have to say that" Shin recalled his words to Erasa.

"Stay away from me Shin! You lied to me, you didn't tell me that Reis had gone to pick Aurora up. And don't ever talk to me like you just did. I think it would be best if you kept your distance!" Shin recalled Erasa's words.

"I'll do just that. I'm such a fool for keeping a candle burning in my heart for Erasa for so long. Maybe I'm the only one that remembers the past. And just when I decided to tell her that I'm still alive. Perhaps things are much better this way and I can finally close that chapter of my life. I can finally move on. I hope she finds her happiness. I have something of hers that I'll always treasure. Her sapphire ring and the name she gave me. It's a treasure I'll always keep with me even when we've gone our separate paths" Shin said with a sad smile. "Farewell forever...Erasa" Shin said with a firm resolve.

Erasa was still weeping.

"Why did you have to die Shin? If only you had lived, things would have been very different" Erasa cried.

"You very stupid girl! Don't you value your life?! Does catching me mean more to you than living?!" Erasa recalled Shin's words five years ago and memories of Shin filled her mind.

"Reis wake up!" Shin called in a silent but hoarse voice.

"Huh? What?" Reis stirred and opened his eyes.

He was still a bit sleepy.

"Wake up" Shin called again.

"Is it dawn already?" Reis asked sleepily.

"No but the sooner you know the whole truth, the better. It's tearing me up inside" Shin said.

Reis sat up.

"Give me a sec okay?" he said as he walked out of the bedroom and walked to the bathroom.

Shin sat on his bed waiting for Reis. He heard water running for a while and then it stopped. A few minutes later, Reis entered the room and sat on his bed facing Shin.

"I'm ready" he said seriously.

"Okay, so here's the rest of the story. I don't want to repeat it because I've decided to seal that chapter of my life forever" Shin said. "So I've already told you how I met Erasa and got my name right. Yeah so after that I went back to the Maelstrom Zero-Nine's secret hideout...


"Crap! I'm so late! I hope One's already asleep or I'm dead!" Shin said to himself as he hurried into the cave.

"Well too bad for you!" a stern voice suddenly said.

Shin froze in his tracks.

"Aiiee, she caught me!" he thought in dread.

"Look how late it is Zero! Where have you been the whole day and why are you now returning?!" One demanded an answer.

"I-uh-I-I..." Shin stammered searching for an excuse.

Dragon Ranger Saga Of AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora