Episode 22: Ill Fated Prophecy

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The remaining dragons had gathered at the Eternal Dragon Temple. It was a sacred place that floated in the skies of Ryugaeia however it was so high up in the sky and protected by a holy barrier so it could not be seen. It was the place where the dragons usually met to reminisce about the past and talk about the future. It was also the resting place for Alpha, the Sovereign Dragon Lord Of Light. The Dragons were excited because Alpha who had remained asleep since the death of Jinrai the Lightning Blade, was beginning to awaken.

"What is going on Draco? Why were we summoned?" Marina asked.

"Is it true that HE has finally began to awaken after all these years?" Inferno asked.

"That's not quite right Inferno. Alpha hasn't began to awaken. HE HAS ALREADY AWAKENED!" Draco declared.

There were murmurs among the dragons.

"What does this mean? Why has he chosen this time to awaken? It just doesn't make sense" Terra said worriedly.

"I understand your worries my loyal subjects and I do admit that I've awakened prematurely. It was my intention and fate to awaken in the next two years however...I had a vision of a terrifying future. It is a vision so dreadful that I had no choice but to awaken now and avert it" a powerful voice said as Alpha the Sovereign Dragon Lord Of Light walked down the stairs that led from the holiest chamber of the Temple.

"What was this vision O Great Alpha"

"Tell us your majesty" the Dragons asked anxiously.

"It was a vision in which the Dragonhaӓrt...was destroyed and we ceased to exist" Alpha said solemnly.

The other dragons gasped in horror.

Meanwhile, in the Kira residence, Aurora had finished setting the table for breakfast. She called Darak and Mistress Kira down to eat. As they sat down to eat, Mistress Kira asked Aurora about her plans for the day.

"It is Alpha's day, the day of truth. If you've got any questions to ask anybody, I suggest you do it today" Mistress Kira said.

"Do you really believe in the power of each day?" Darak asked.

"Terra's day was the day of hope and that was the day you and Reis renewed our hope in the future so how can you not believe?" Mistress Kira questioned Darak.

"I do believe. I did ever since I noticed that I always felt more courageous on Dragnarӧk's day" Darak admitted.

"How are you feeling today Darak?" Aurora asked.

"Yesterday I thought you were just being cruel but today I feel way better. Thanks for asking" Darak said.

"I'm planning to visit Reis right after breakfast. It was really thoughtless of me not to visit him yesterday. I hope he isn't offended" Aurora said worriedly.

"Actually, I doubt it has even crossed his mind yet" Darak said with a slight chuckle.

"So how are things between you and Erasa?" Darak asked.

"She has already apologized and I think I've forgiven her" Aurora said.

"Think? That's not very encouraging" Darak sighed.

"Well what can I say, she really hurt my feelings" Aurora said as she stood up.

"Darak, could you please clear the table for me. I'll be leaving now with your permission Mistress Kira" Aurora said.

"Jeez, you sound so formal. How many times have I told you to call me 'Aunt' or even 'Elder sis'. It gets so tiring to constantly hear you call me 'Mistress'" Mistress Kira sighed.

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