Episode 5: Daughter Of The Captain

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A weekend had passed since Reis' initiation into the Ranger's Guild. It was the first day of the week, Dragnarok's day, and supposedly Reis' first day of school. Reis had woken up earlier than usual. It was still dawn. He finished clothing himself and woke Shin up. Shin took his bath and got dressed as well. They began to set the table for breakfast. Reis looked lost in thought.

"Reis, is everything okay?" Shin asked.

"I'm just nervous is all" Reis said quietly.

He was thinking of what Captain Hiru had told him of his family. He could not understand why but he had a bad feeling. Soon, Master Jin and Kyla were up as well. Kyla was shocked to see Shin and Reis up already and Shin nearly started an argument with Kyla but Reis saved the situation as usual. They ate breakfast while talking about their hopes and expectations for the day, but the more they talked, the more uneasy Reis felt. It was morning soon enough and Master Jin left for the Rangers' Headquarters. Kyla, Shin and Reis began to walk towards Dragon High.

"So it's going to be your first day at school right?" Shin asked.

"Right" Reis replied.

"You kept your promise and caught up to us in an instant" Kyla said.

"Yeah, I didn't even think about that" Reis said.

"But you kept it anyway" Shin said.

"I guess" Reis replied.

"Come on Reis. Don't be so modest all the time. School can be really unfair to modest guys" Kyla said.

"So what are your plans for the day?" Kyla asked.

"Well...I plan to study" Reis said plainly.

"Haha! Always the bookworm aren't ya?" Shin said, half depressed, half disappointed by Reis' answer.

"Don't you want to make new friends?" Kyla asked.

"I do...but no one wants me here except for you guys of course" Reis said sadly.

"Don't let it get to you" Shin encouraged.

As they walked on, they noticed an old lady trying to lift a heavy load. She seemed tired. Reis felt sorry for her.

"Hey, you guys go ahead without me. I'll catch up" Reis said as he approached the old lady.

Shin and Kyla walked away. Soon, they were out of sight.

"Excuse me ma'am but do you need any help with your load?" Reis asked nervously.

"I haven't seen you around here young boy, what's your name?" the old lady asked.

"My name's Reis Dragonhaӓrt ma'am" Reis said.

"Ah, so you're the infamous Reis Dragonhaӓrt everyone is talking about" the old lady said.

"So I'm infamous already huh?" Reis said sadly.

"But you don't seem like a bad person. I suppose this is your first day at school?" the old lady asked.

"Yes, it is" Reis said.

"Then you can't afford to be late. I hear the masters are strict" the old lady said.

"I wish I could just walk away but I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt because I refused to help" Reis said with determination.

"You really are a weird one, you know that?" the old lady asked rhetorically.

Reis nodded with a smile.

"But I like kids like you. If you insist on helping me, I'll accept your offer but don't strain yourself" the old lady said.

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