Episode 24: Aralpheisl

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Marina flew onwards towards the Rangers' Guild. Reis knew that he and Aurora had time on their side. Their enemies might not know exactly where the Guild was so as long as they were not spotted, they would be safe. Reis looked behind himself to see whether they were putting up distance between their foe or not. Marina was a powerful flier. Their foes could almost no longer be seen. Reis sighed in relief.

Reis turned to Aurora.

"Aurora, do you trust me?" he asked.

"You should know by now that I do" Aurora replied.

"We can't go back to the guild" Reis informed her. "I'm sorry" he apologized.

"Can you tell me why?" Aurora asked.

"We can't risk leading our foe back to the guild. They may not know the way to the Guild yet they have dragons. If they have a psychic dragon with them, there is a chance they detected my presence from my last transmission. They would have a general idea of how close we are to them and from that they can deduce that we are shielded. If they can seek out and latch unto our psychic energies, we should presume that we've already been found out" Reis explained.

"So what do we do?" Aurora asked.

"First, we determine whether or not we're really being followed by misleading our foe. Marina, head towards the most isolated regions of Novatio" Reis ordered.

"I see. Like this, we can lead them away from the Guild" Aurora declared.

Meanwhile in the Rangers' Guild, Old Lady Kamikaze stood before the Dragonlord with all the Dragon Rangers. The Dragon Masters were briefed on the plans to the upcoming battle. They commenced the evacuation of the drakes. At the same time, the available Dragon Masters, that is; those left over after the assignment to the Drakes left the guild with their Dragon Students to confront the army of dragons Reis had projected concerning his vision in the area he had seen them.

"Old Lady Kamikaze. Keep your eyes on young Reis Dragonhaӓrt without giving up the location of the guild" the Dragonlord instructed.

"I already intended to do that from the start" Old Lady Kamikaze said as she shut her eyes and focused.

She began to spread her area of effect wide and deposited traces of her psychic energy in areas isolated from the guild to throw off the enemy's psychic forces in case they had some. She located Reis' and Aurora's psychic energies and noticed the enemy behaving strangely for a bit. Then the enemy continued their pursuit.

Reis looked worried.

"It is as I suspected Aurora. There is no need to mask ourselves in invisibility. The enemy can locate us by my psychic aura" Reis said.

"So what do we do? Can you mask your aura Reis?" Aurora asked.

"Yes I can. Once we lead them astray far enough, I will mask my aura. That should confuse them for a bit" Reis reasoned.

Meanwhile, on one of the dragons stood lord Galigaos. He was the one leading the dragons and a portion of Erikkus Di Devilli's forces.

"Lead me on to the last surviving Dragons son of Jinrai my accursed archnemesis. Today, I shall be rid of you as I did your father" Lord Galigaos sneered.

In Novatio's Castle, the Dragon Knights stood in the presence of the king.

"Long ago, we decided that the best way to protect this world from evil was to prevent the kingdom of Novatio from falling into evil hands as Saggeese did. Novatio remains our final fortress against the forces of evil. Today, the same evil responsible for Saggeese's demise has invaded the borders of Novatio. For this reason, we see it fit to return once more to our station as Dragon Rangers for first, we are Dragon Rangers, then we are servants of the king" the knights made their petition.

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