Episode 11: When Two Swords Clash

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A young girl, seven years of age was being trained by a Dragon Knight with white hair and blue eyes. The girl was called Aurora Saggeese, true heiress to the Saggeesian throne and the Dragon Knight was called...Sir Jinrai the Lightning Blade.

"Aurora, you have skill but skill alone is not enough. You must try to visualize your opponent's heart the very moments your swords clash" Sir Jinrai lectured.

"You mean like imagine the heart of my opponent?" Aurora questioned.

"Not quite. Seeing your opponent's heart is quite different from imagining it" Sir Jinrai explained.

"How?" innocent young Aurora asked.

"Imagination is an illusion you wish to see. It can lie to you but perception and intuition are different. They make the truth clear, do you understand?" Sir Jinrai tried to explain.

Aurora shook her head with a confused look on her face.

"Don't worry, that's why I brought along this bucket of water, in case you don't understand" Sir Jinrai said.

At this, Aurora began to weep.

"What's wrong Aurora?" Sir Jinrai asked looking confused by Aurora's reaction.

"What's the matter?" Sir Jinrai asked kindly.

"You brought this bucket of water to pour it on me if I didn't understand the lesson" Aurora sobbed.

Sir Jinrai laughed.

"What an idea! You can stop crying now Aurora because this water is not meant for your body but your heart and your mind" Sir Jinrai comforted her.

"Now you're confusing me even more!" Aurora said worriedly.

"Well let's just say I'll show you a practical example and leave it at that" Sir Jinrai said as he summoned another bucket of water out of nowhere.

"WOW! MAGIC!" Aurora exclaimed cheerfully.

"I see that cheered you up, now tell me what you see" Sir Jinrai said.

"A blue bucket and a green bucket, both half filled with water" Aurora said cheerfully.

"Good, the blue bucket represents your heart and the green bucket represents the heart of your opponent. They are separate at first" Sir Jinrai explained as he picked up a stone.

"This stone is the deepest intention and emotion hidden within your opponent's heart" Sir Jinrai said as he dropped the stone into the green bucket.

Then he stretched his hand over the blue bucket and a powerful wind stirred the water within it.

"This wind is the ambivalence within your own heart, your emotions are in turmoil" Sir Jinrai explained.

Aurora stared into the two buckets.

Sir Jinrai fetched sand next.

"This sand is the darkness within your opponent's heart. It represents his pain, guilt and loneliness mixed together" Sir Jinrai explained as he dropped the sand into the green bucket and the water in it turned dirty and unclear. "Still, your hearts are separate. However, this is what happens when you clash swords with an opponent while bearing good intentions within your own heart" Sir Jinrai said as he lifted the blue bucket and poured the tempestuous waters into the green bucket till it was full. The mixture reacted violently and seemed to become worse with every passing second.

"How do you describe this mixture Aurora?" Sir Jinrai questioned.

"Chaotic" Aurora said as she stared into the bucket with a look of disgust on her face.

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