Episode 20: To Tame The Dragon Blade

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"OH NO! HE'S BEING CONTROLLED BY ARMAGEDDON!" Reis exclaimed in horror.

At that moment Mistress Kira walked into the field.

"Hey kids, food is ready!" she called.


"What is going on?" Mistress Kira asked.

She was unaware of the situation. Aurora ran to Mistress Kira.

"Aurora! What's going on?!" Mistress Kira demanded.

"Mistress Kira, Armageddon...he-he-he's controlling Darak through his sword!" Aurora said in fear and worry.

"I don't understand what you're saying, you're not making sense" Mistress Kira said.

Aurora explained the situation in detail to Mistress Kira.

"DIE DRAGONHAӒRT!" Darak roared as he leapt into the air.

Reis clutched his sheathed sword and timed his defense. Just before Darak descended on him with full force, he changed the nature of his aura to earth and lightning and unsheathed his sword with full speed and strength. The two blades clashed with a loud metal sound and there was a sudden flash of light.

"Earth affinity increases my physical strength and lightning affinity multiplies my speed. With both...there's no way you can break through ARMAGEDDON!" Reis roared as he pushed back with all his strength.

Darak had to somersault to avoid being propelled forcefully into the air by the force.

"You're strong Dragonhaӓrt but you yourself admitted that...I'M THE MOST POWERFUL DRAGON!" Armageddon roared.

He charged towards Reis and they clashed swords again.

"I said you have the greatest amount of energy but...THAT DOESN'T MAKE YOU THE MOST POWERFUL!!!" Reis roared as he leapt back and somersaulted to deliver an overhead vertical slice but Armageddon evaded the attack and Reis' sword struck the ground causing cracks to appear.

Armageddon disappeared and appeared a few metres away from Reis.

"I must admit that controlling you comes with a greater advantage than controlling this conceited boy" Armageddon sighed.

"Darak isn't conceited! He really cares for others though he's not so good at showing it!" Reis yelled angrily.

"You're more naïve than I perceived Dragonhaӓrt. Right now I control his mind and all I can see is a great envy and rage towards you" Armageddon said.

"And I'm supposed to believe you...why exactly?" Reis retorted.

"It's true Dragonhaӓrt, Darak despises you and you know it!" Armageddon said with an unpleasant smirk.

"Like I said...and I'm supposed to believe you...why exactly?!" Reis roared and charged with amazing speed to attack Armageddon.

"WHAT?! You can't be serious Aurora! Why didn't Darak mention this earlier?!" Mistress Kira exclaimed in shock.

"I don't think he ever planned to unseal the sword but I think meeting Reis changed his mind" Aurora said.

"If that's the case, I need to call for reinforcements. We can't stop Darak on our own" Mistress Kira said as she shut her eyes and touched her forehead with her Dragon ring,

Meanwhile in the Ayenhayze residence, Shin and Kyla were waiting for Reis.

"What's keeping him so long? I'm going to give him a sound scolding when he gets back!" Kyla complained.

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