Episode 21: Confession

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It was morning in the Rangers Guild. Erasa woke up that morning feeling content with the events that took place the previous day. It was the first day of the weekend, Ayes' day. In Novation lore, unexpected secrets always came to light on Ayes' day because Ayes was the magnifier of Alpha's light.

Erasa was happy but there was a little thing that troubled her mind.

"Shin used the inverse solidification technique to avoid Armageddon's strike. That technique was also used by the Shin from my childhood" Erasa thought as she recalled Shin evading the Black Squad's arrows.

"I can't remember Shin's face clearly but he does resemble Ayenhayze" Erasa thought.

"Could it be that...?!" No, it's just a coincidence after all, I saw Shin die" Erasa thought as she tried to hold back tears.

Meanwhile, in the Ayenhayze residence...

"OOOOWWW! IT HURTS!!!" Reis screamed in pain.

He had rolled off his bed and now it felt as though all his bones were broken. If you should know, that was as a result of his fight with Darak which ended in a deadly stalemate. Deadly because after the fight both boys could feel nothing but pain. Aurora's healing powers closed their wounds but the pain was much deeper than just superficial wounds. Shin woke up.

"You disturbed my sleep you idiot!" Shin yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help it. All I can feel now is pain. I swear I'll never fight Darak again" Reis promised painfully.

"Oh don't worry I'm sure Darak feels the same way by now".

In the Kira residence, "OUCH! Gently Aurora, do it gently" Darak grunted in pain.

"Well next time you consider a fight to the limits, think of the aftermath!" Aurora yelled as she stomped on Darak's back.


"Oh, did I? I'm sorry mighty Darag-Arӧkna, Vung-jya spirit of FLAME!" Aurora roared as she stomped on his back again.

"I swear Aurora, if you weren't a girl, I'd have beaten you up right now!" Darak threatened.

"Perhaps I should get Erasa to massage you instead. Her super strength will..."

"Please don't Aurora! I take that back" Darak pleaded.

"How are the mighty fallen" Aurora sighed.


"EEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" Reis screamed in pain for that was the sound of his spine straightening itself out.

"If you didn't want to fight you should have said so" Kyla said as she walked on Reis' back.

"I wanted to baaaaouch! You know Darak. He's so stubborn plus the look he gave me as Darag-Arӧkna said 'You have no choice Reis. Choose liberty or death and they both mean a fight to the limits" Reis complained.

Tears were flowing down his face.

"I'm actually shocked because your wounds heal very quickly however the pain you're feeling now lasted since last night" Kyla said.

"I've honestly never felt anything this painful" Reis said.

"Well yeah but thanks to you and Darak, I now have a custom Ranger uniform" Shin said and Kyla laughed.

"Yeah, yippee for you. I'm the one suffering the consequences" Reis complained.

Master Jin entered the room.

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