Episode 15: The Promise From The Past

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Reis felt restless in bed. He couldn't sleep and it was partly because he hadn't yet thought of a way to make it up to Aurora. He sat up and thought deeply.

"What can I do to help Aurora feel better about recent events?" Reis wondered as he got out of bed and opened his wardrobe.

"I haven't got any money for presents so I guess..." Reis was saying as he searched his satchel.

Suddenly, six tickets fell out of his satchel.

"What's this?" Reis wondered as he picked up one of the tickets and read it.

"Ah! I remember! Old Lady Kamikaze gave these to me as a thank you gift" Reis said with a smile.

"I guess I just found a way of making it up to Aurora...but I don't think it'll be fun if it's just us so I'll invite Darak, Shin, Kyla and Erasa!" Reis laughed.

Meanwhile in Team Kira's residence, Aurora was having a hard time sleeping as well. She sat up and turned on the lights. She picked up Reis' bandanna which she had kept with her from the Lake Of Kagua Beasts. She stared at it and smiled. Then she shook her head as if waking up from a dream and placed the bandanna down.

"I can't. I promised Sir Jinrai that I'd take care of his son and fill the void left by his absence" Aurora thought.

"But Sir Jinrai also asked me to follow my heart" Aurora argued with herself. "No Aurora, stop making excuses for yourself. Sir Jinrai dedicated his life to protecting you and your family. The least you can do is to take care of his son" Aurora argued with her conscience. "But what of Reis?" a voice questioned her. Aurora thought for a while and came to a decision. "Reis and I can be nothing more than friends" Aurora decided.

Morning soon arrived. In the Ayenhayze residence...well, you can pretty much guess what was happening.

"BANG! BANG! BANG!!!" Kyla banged the pan lids.

"CRIMSON MOON KAIGNIS...!" Reis leapt out of bed impulsively and charged towards Kyla.

Kyla simply smashed the pan lid in his face without even turning to look at him. He fell to the ground and opened his eyes.

"Good. One down, one to..." Kyla was saying when Shin opened his eyes.

"Don't bother Kyla...I'm up" Shin said glumly.

"What's wrong Shin?" Kyla asked worriedly.

"I'm not feeling too good" Shin said.

"Are you sick?" Kyla asked.

Shin shook his head emotionlessly.

"Oh don't tell me you're lovesick again?!" Kyla exclaimed angrily.

"I'm not in the mood for an early morning argument Kyla. I think the fufu just didn't sit well yesterday" Shin tried to force a smile.

"Heh heh, I'm so beginning to love fufu" Reis chuckled evilly.

"Shut up idiot! At least I didn't throw up!" Shin yelled.

"Sheesh, no need to take it personally" Reis said nervously.

"Sorry Reis. I shouldn't be lashing out at you" Shin apologized.

"Hey Shin. What do you think of an all you can eat invitation to Old Lady Kamikaze's?" Reis said slyly.

"What?! Are you serious?!" Shin exclaimed in shock.

Reis raised the tickets.

"Voila! So what d'ya think. Come on, I know you want it huh? Huh? Come on Shin, give me a smile, huh? Or do I have to tickle you" Reis teased.

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