Episode 4: The Newest Ranger

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"You Saggeesians can never know how it feels to lose a loved one because...you Saggeesians know no love!" Aurora's voice kept echoing in Reis' head.

Suddenly, Reis found himself floating in empty space.

"Reis Dragonhaart, this is just the beginning of the trials you are about to face but remember, you must never lose heart for it will be by your strength that Ryugaeia will be 'dragon earth' again!" the omniscient voice said.

"Who are you? How can I find you?" Reis asked.

"You will find me...soon, very soon. You and I will be one and the path to your true destiny will open" the omniscient voice said.

Almost immediately, a symbol of light appeared above Reis. Reis shielded his eyes for the symbol was really bright. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and Reis opened his eyes.

"Reis! Reis! Are you okay?" Shin looked down at Reis.

"Did something happen?" Reis asked with a yawn.

"You were screaming like crazy. Did you have a nightmare?" Shin asked.

"Well, part of it was a nightmare about yesterday but the other part was plain weird" Reis said.

"I think Master Jin needs to know about this" Shin suggested.


"And it told me not to lose heart for it will be by my strength that Ryugaeia will be dragon earth again" Reis narrated his dream to Master Jin and Kyla at the dining table.

"Isn't it just weird?" Shin said.

"I must agree with Shin on this one" Kyla said.

"Reis, from what you've just told us, I think the voice from your dreams is a dragon that is trying to reach you" Master Jin said.

"A dragon? Really?" Reis questioned.

"And the persistence of this dream shows that the dragon is very serious with its words. I don't know what it means by 'it is by your strength that Ryugaeia will be dragon earth again' but I can tell that you have a great destiny" Master Jin said.

"Hey, wait a minute, aren't we forgetting something important?" Kyla asked.

"Like what?!" Shin snapped at her.

"Like Reis' exams!" Kyla exclaimed.

"Oh no! I'm late!" Reis exclaimed as he ran to his room. He opened his wardrobe and took out his new satchel. He had packed all he needed for the exams the previous night. He checked to see if everything was intact, then he hanged his satchel on his shoulders and ran down the stairs.

"Reis, we'll escort you" Kyla said.

"Thanks a lot but I'm late so I think I'll be faster if I go alone" Reis said.

"Oh really? Do you even remember where HQ is?" Kyla asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ha ha, I guess not" Reis laughed sheepishly.

"I thought so. Besides you're not that late. You've got about fifteen minutes left. Enough time to make it to HQ" Kyla said.

"What a time freak" Shin and Reis muttered under their breaths.

"Did you say something?!" Kyla glared at them.

Shin quickly hid behind Reis.

"N-no, I just said l-let's go" Reis lied.

"Well then, let's be off" Kyla laughed.

"H-He actually fooled Kyla?! Sheesh, Kyla sure has grown soft these past few days" Shin thought to himself.

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