Chapter 33

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Luhan's P.O.V

"Luhan, please help me collect the students' notebooks and put it on my table in my room," Ms Choi called me. I smiled to her, signing a yes and she slightly smiled back at me.

"Ms Choi, the scariest teacher's, favourite student, asterisk-drum rolls-asterisk, LUHAN!" Krystal teased while handing her notebook to me.

"Well, thank you," I grinned, took her notebook and stood up.

I walked around the class, collecting the students' notebooks.

Sulli handed her notebook to me. "Thanks," I smiled at her. She turned red. Was she blushing or something? Nobody knew except God and herself, obviously.

The oh-so-perfect Queen Bee, Kang Seulgi was next. Poor Sulli, she got to sit beside this, I'm sorry, idiotic girl. At least Krystal didn't get to sit beside her. If yes, they would build a wall between them and that would be scary actually.

I took her book rather harshly and it slipped from my hand. She rolled her eyes without doing anything. Luhan, what did you expect from a Queen Bee like her?

The book flipped opened as it landed on the floor. As I took it, I saw her writing clearly. That writing looked rather like someone's. I brushed that problem from my mind and just took it and went out of the class towards the math room.

As I walked there with the notebooks, I kept on thinking about Seulgi's writing. I rewinded my memories. I remembered! It was the writing from the brown envelope that contained Soojung and my picture. Did this means that Seulgi was the one who wrote that? I ran to the math room and left the notebooks but Seulgi's on the supposedly teacher's table. I went to my dorm, I ran, to take the envelope.

I arrived inside my dormroom and took the brown envelope. It was exactly the same! The writing was! The font, the size, the colour, everything!

I hurriedly took it with me as I wanted to ask Seulgi regarding to this.


"Can you guys just eat first, I'll go to the cafeteria soon after I'm done with my business," I told them. They gave me a look that said 'what business?' in different expressions. Being a nice person I am, I gave a 'what?' look back at them and waited for them to leave before I entered the class.

I walked to where Seulgi was positioned and with the brown used-to-be-from-anonymous envelope on my hand. As I stood in of her, she looked at me weirdly. "What?" she gave a quick question and didn't sense anything. I showed her her brown envelope without a word and waited for her to react. Not as I expected, she responded with the same word she said before.

"Doesn't this envelope look familiar to you?" I snapped. I wanted to throw this envelope right on her face but then, I remembered that I'm manly and a manly guy shouldn't do that. After a few moments, she grinned; I assumed that she recalled everything about this envelope. "So? Did he saw it and what's his reaction? Did your friendship end? Something interesting?" she smirked proudly. I assumed the 'he' she was talking about is Sehun, my close friend, her crush, the guy in our class.

"No, nothing happened. He didn't know anything about this letter. I took it away from him before he got the chance to see it." She gasped, eyeing me suspiciously with her eyes. "I need to clarify a lot of things here."

"Like what? That you actually didn't do what's in the picture? Who is it, then?" She's definitely testing my temper right now. "What I did there is not like what you think; I'm just doing my 'dare'. And Sehun knows about it," I explained while keeping myself calm, "And even if I date Krystal, nothing will go out of its way. Sehun will not care too."

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