Chapter 21

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Kris's P.O.V

"N-no," She replied. "Look at your swollen eye," I smiled. She directly denied when I said that she just cried. She then closed her eyes with her hands. I laughed at what she'd done.

Soojung and I walked to the park. "Sunbae, my sister is okay right?" She suddenly asked me. Jessica. What happened?

"Of course she is," I smiled, "she had many great friends with her who will be together with her in the downs and ups of life." And I'll be with her too, I thought. I smiled to my own words and I looked at her. Her tears started to fall. "Yah, stop crying," I erased her tears.

"I wish I have a sister like you," I smiled. "I wish to have a brother like you too," She replied and smiled, with her tears still flowing. I'm serious Soojung, I thought again, you're such a good sister. Sister.

We ended up chatting with each other. She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Soojung, do you remember--" I stopped as I saw her fell asleep already. I thought she didn't need to know this fact. "Another sleepy head," I smiled and shook my head. I checked my watch. 2.15 AM What? We had talked for like, an hour and fifteen minutes! I carried her to her room. I should've not brought her to the park if it ended up like this. But I just laughed.

"Hyung!" he called me. "Hey Kai, what are you up to in the middle of the night?" I asked him. "I can't sleep Hyung. I went to find Sehun but Chen Hyung didn't allow me to open the door," he sighed. "What about Hyung?" he asked me and realized that the girl I carried is Soojung, "Yah! What's with Soojung?"

"Yah! Soften your voice," I said, "She felt asleep after chatting sometime." "Wait, what? How can she be awake in this time?" he asked me in confusion. "She got a nightmare and that time, I'm passing her room and I saw her so we went to the park," I explained.

"Why are you up in midnight, then?" he kept on asking me. "Yah! Why do you even care?" I fake frowned. "Just kidding Hyung. Can I follow you?" he asked me. "Haha! Why not? This is your crush right?" I chuckled and started walking.


I knocked Victoria's room. "Yes, yes! Wait!" Victoria said in a lazy voice and she opened the door.

"Hello, Kris sunbae, Kai and S-soojung," she looked half-conscious, "Wait what? Soojung?"

"Let me in now, I'm tired. She's heavy you know," I said, signaling her to move and not blocking my way. I put Soojung to her bed and let her sleep. "Yah! Sunbae! What happened to her? She fainted? Or what?" Victoria exclaimed in worriness. "She just sleep," Kai said and chuckled. "Oh, I thought something happened," Victoria felt relieved.

"But why is she with you both?" Victoria asked, sending suspicious eyes to me. "She got nightmare you know!" I explained, "So asked her to go for a walk at the park." Victoria still looked worried. "Don't worry she's fine," I convinced her. No reply.

"You go back to sleep," I instructed Victoria, "Its 3 AM now, you need to study tomorrow. Kai and I will be leaving. Kai and I left her room and walked to our respective dorm.


"Hyung, where did you go?" Chanyeol's voice interrogated me. "The park," I answered. "What are you doing and with who?" Chanyeol kept on asking, still with his sleeping position. "Chatting with Soojung," I answered as I laid on my bed and ready to sleep.

"Oh," he then kept silent for a while, "What? Soojung?" He sat on my bed. "What do you do with her?" he shook my body. "We just chat," I said and turned around to the other way of where Chanyeol was sitting. I facepalmed.

"Seriously? How can she be up late night?" He kept on shaking my body. "Yah, yah! I want to sleep! Ask Kai!" I instructed him. "What? Kai joined you guys too?" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"Hm," I said then fell asleep.

Krystal JungWhere stories live. Discover now