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the winner of this year's hunger games is....


THATS RIGHT! dominic ended up placing second, and sydney first, but because sydney didn't feel satisfied, he decided to take his own life and not give the capitolians the satisfaction of seeing him suffer and cry over his teammate's death.

thank you all SO MUCH for making this role play happen— ESPECIALLY to ValantinaHearts2 , who helped in spinning that darn wheel for battles, deaths, injuries, etc. to make things fair for everyone, as well as help me organize and better control the role play.

also thanks to TheDumbassLeaf for motivating me to make this role play, and greyhoodies- for being ever so active in this role play, as well as making my end of the role play exciting (and somewhat sad) lmaoo.

and of course, all of you for participating, a HUGE thank you!


will have a victor.

it will.

just you wait.


p.s i will put up the rankings on the next (and final) chapter of this book! sydney will always be considered my favorite victor though— apart from dominic and augustus, if they had made it that is— and i will be making a book that's based on theories and made up scenarios that you may wish happened in this role play!

i will go further into that in the next chapter.

bye bye :)

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