↬announcement 0.3

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Hello, fellow tributes! As you may have guessed from the title, this is another set of announcements related to this roleplay! This will include things that I have been planning for this roleplay, and also plans we the Gamemakers came up with. So, I ask you to pay attention to this set of announcements. Thank you!


───── ❝ roleplay ❞ ─────

↠i do not think i have addressed this yet, and if i have, i will remind you all again. one day in the hunger games world is equal to two days in the real world. therefore, it is important that you stay active during this roleplay so you don't miss anything, and if you need to go for whatever reason, tell me or the person you are roleplaying with.

now that we have that clear, let's move on with the course of the roleplay!

training days in the hunger games world lasts for three days, which means here it will last for six days here. since we started roleplaying on sunday, training will end friday. today marks the second day of training, and thursday will mark the third day. after training, i will hold private sessions.

for the private sessions, listen up very carefully! after friday, during the afternoon or saturday, i will pm each of you one by one for the training session. you are to roleplay in the pms once i give you the order, and if i think i have seen enough, i will end it. if i haven't, you are to answer some questions until i give the okay. then i will confer with my fellow gamemakers and together we will decide on your training score. after everyone's training score has been decided, it will be posted on the training score page. this may change during the course of the days: if i feel like i might need help, i may get some gamemakers to help out with this. either way, you are to SHOW RESPECT.

after that will be the interviews, which will be in saturday or sunday. i will be writing the introduction, and then in the comment section, i will write and tag your user for your tribute's interview. however, i am not sure if i am going to do this, or someone else who is good at interviewing. if any gamemaker, or any other person really, wants to assist in this, please tell me!

after that, either on sunday or monday, it is time to start the hunger games!

───── ❝ cornucopia ❞ ─────

↠the cornucopia this year will have both supplies and weapons! for this, ValantinaHearts2 has had a fantastic idea for how we could sort this day out! she suggested to do an AUCTION: there will be chains with supplies of all sorts and different weapons with the amounts of each thing. you will comment down whether you want this item or not, and she will then begin asking you other questions. once you answered them, she will give you further instruction, which will determine if you will be able to get this item from the cornucopia, or not. if you want more detail about this, please pm me or ValantinaHearts2 !

───── ❝ arena ❞ ─────

↠the arena is still being constructed, but until then, it is a secret. please stay tuned for more announcements!

↬may the games begin! ➳ hunger games rp {CLOSED FOR TRIBUTES}Where stories live. Discover now