↬day 1 • cornucopia bloodbath

184 6 276

As you are arising from the tribute launching tube, a wave of emotions come crashing and beating you down; you are hanging on tight to the only thing that can bring you mentally back home, whereas you are sweating under your jacket and trousers from the fear, the anxiety, and the hope that you can make it out alive from this bloodbath.

Blinding white light hits the corner of your delicate eyes and you instinctively make a move with your hands to block it out. Now is the time to figure out where you will be fighting today, and what location will mark your grave. As soon as you are hoisted up on the surface of the arena and planted firmly on the pedestal, you relax a bit, uncovering yourself and finally taking in the environment around  you...

───── ❝ the arena ❞ ─────

You take a moment to look around, turning your head from side to side, taking notice of the tributes standing at your left and right. You then also begin to realize that you and the rest of your fellow competitors have been placed outside 26 wide openings coming from a tremendous, rocky, beautifully built caverns. from a distance, you catch the sight of a naturally forming spleothem coming from the ground and ceiling of the caverns, and a distant, faint light that illuminates the inside of the caverns a bit. You take one, deep breath in order to calm your nerves down. No matter how big or small your experience with caverns could be, one thing is clear:

You will give it your all.

You will die trying.

As if taking a deep breath was some magical remedy, you no longer feel your legs desiring to shake, or your heart pounding fast; you are calm, neutral, and finally ready to accept the fact that you will die, unless you are one of the lucky survivors.

Unless you are the Careers, of course. You have had so much training, you are just ready to pounce in excitement, and you are confident, maybe too confident, that the winner this year will be you.

Questions arise inside your head: Where would these tunnels lead to? How many of them are there? What mysteries could possibly be lying around? You may be able to find out soon enough...

Unless you die.

───── ❝ countdown ❞ ─────

60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50

49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40

39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30

29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20

19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10









(wait, what?!)

"yep, that's right! what you just heard was an explosion coming from a tribute's pedestal! and to be more specific...

district 11's male tribute, dexter tairon. purpose or accidental? we'll never know! i gotta say, i feel bad for our team, they have to pick up pieces of his bloodied, scattered body that has made contact with tributes! how awful that must be. oh well, on with the hunger games!"





remember to go to where you guys went the days before your auction. if you went to the satchel of water bottles and apples first, go there, and so on for the other examples.

good luck! remember to not throw a fit!

p.s: the amount of causalities may be quite low for a bloodbath but this is because inactive people/users on hiatus have left their characters for dead c:

↬may the games begin! ➳ hunger games rp {CLOSED FOR TRIBUTES}Where stories live. Discover now