the games for the next book

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hello! i've come here to report the results!

so while not many people voted (i recently learned that huge chunk of people that once desired to participate have become inactive completely or are still on a prolonged hiatus), i'm happy to say that i was still able to get an interesting answer from the votes y'all have casted, whether it was on the chapter i made before i took off on my hiatus or the previous chapter i made upon returning from said hiatus.

that being said, there were two choices that gained two votes each: a succeeding normal hunger games with a twist AND the one hundredth quarter quell. 

so, to break off the tie, i spun the infamous wheel (hehehe yes, the same wheel @ValantinaHearts2 used to decide the results from the cornucopia auctions, as well as the battles, injuries, people involved, and- of course- the deaths) ... and wherever it lands, that's the version that the next (and perhaps the last???) hunger games roleplay will take place in. 

i'll post the screenshots here so y'all can see the aftermath yourselves!!

don't mind the many tabs i have open LOL

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don't mind the many tabs i have open LOL

well, anyways, i've spun....

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and it turns out, our next hunger games is going to take place in a year AFTER the 76th hunger games but BEFORE the 100th hunger games (otherwise known as the 4th quarter quell), but with a small twist attached to it... 

now, what do i mean with a small twist? well, instead of one of the huge game changing twists that occur due to a specific purpose in mind (of course, directly related to the district's initial uprisings), there were be a tiny twist in the rules WHILE the hunger games are ongoing. so, not all of the tributes will experience this twist, but enough will to the point where it could change the entire direction and course of the games compared to if the games didn't have such implementations involved.

the small twist in mind will ultimately be decided by the fellow gamemakers and i. this means- especially since two people in particular are still either in a hiatus or have permanently left wattpad- that in the upcoming roleplay book, i will open gamemaker slots for TWO ADDITIONAL people.

first come, first serve!

compared to the 76th hunger games roleplay, though, i'll make a small form for those interested in applying for a spot as a gamemaker for the next hunger games roleplay! additional details will come later along with the next roleplay book.

now we must tackle the question of WHAT hunger games are we exactly thinking about? we could simply continue with the 77th hunger games, which sounds easy and exciting enough, as i know there can be great venues for the 76th hunger games plot extensions while maintaining coherence in the next roleplay overall.

at the same time, though... it COULD be just as fun to time travel a bit into the future (say, in the next decade or so) and see how the hunger games and attitudes towards it could've potentially developed under the control of president vance.

it may also make more sense for the twist to be implemented, given that some time and space has been created for president vance to ponder on how he could make the hunger games more meaningful and impactful for the district members and capitol citizens alike.

but then again, the capitol is very spontaneous when it comes to these sort of things; they'd never turn down some action and would very much be the kind of people to BEG for some sort of interesting plot twist just for the sake of their enjoyment. 

this debate may be settled by YOU GUYS! i'll give you all up to another week (july 2nd will be the deadline) to decide on what you all prefer. 


if "A LATER HUNGER GAMES" wins the majority, i'll then spin the wheel with all hunger games years up to the 99th one (excluding the 77th, 78th, and 79th so that there may be a gap in the time between the 76th and the next roleplay) to decide what games to do.

if the 77th HUNGER GAMES wins the majority, i'll simply fit it in nearly a year later, where the 76th hunger games are still fresh on everyone's minds and when reaping season is just around the corner.

i hope you all find enough interest to continue the fun, and PLEASE tag anyone interested and active enough to enjoy of the next roleplay! have a great rest of y'alls day/night <3

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