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A/N: I've had lots of free time lately so was able to write a few chapters that I have prepared. Here's my second one for this weekend. Hope you enjoy!


It was Sunday morning and Kurt decided to go home. He was scared to talk to his dad but knew he needed to.

"I'll see you Monday— with coffee" Kurt smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Cant wait. See you then!"


"Bye!" Kurt left Blaines house and went back to his own. When he walked in the door, his dad was on the couch. "I need to talk to you."

"I'm listening." His dad put the tv on mute and looked at him.

"I know you know I wasn't at Rachel's but it's not what you think."

"Okay. So what was it?" He told his dad that him and Blaine decided to be friends and told him the whole thing that he told Rachel.

"I promise it's nothing. I knew you'd say I couldn't go over if you knew it was him because I also know you think I like him." His dad nodded. "I'm sorry for lying."

"Thank you for the apology and I get where you were coming from but you're still grounded." Kurt nodded. "No friends or phone for the rest of the week." Kurt took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to his dad. "If you need to contact me from school use the office phone and from home use the home phone."


"The Hudson's are coming over for dinner all week and next week it'll be at their house."

"Why do we do like— daily dinners?"

"Because I want you to get used to them. To know them." Kurt nodded. Kurt stayed in his room most of the day and went to sleep early, bored from having to read all day.

The next day, Kurt got to school and Blaine rushed over to him. He had 2 coffees again and gave Kurt one.

"You didn't answer my texts. What happened?"

"I'm grounded. Got my phone taken and can't have friends over."

"What! I'm so sorry!"

"Why are you sorry?"

"I told you to lie about where you were going and I invited you."

"But I didn't have to go. I wanted to and it was worth it."

"Ehh, I still feel bad."

"Come here and I'll cheer you up." Finn and Rachel were listening from around the corner, hearing the whole thing. They followed them and saw them walk into the boys restroom.

"What now?" Finn asked.

"Go in and see what Kurt's doing to cheer him up."

"No! One, they'll know we followed them and two, I don't know what they're doing."

"Just go in wimp!"

"No, you!"

"It's the guys restroom!"

"Whatever." Finn stormed away and Rachel did the same the opposite way. When Kurt and Blaine walked in, they set their coffee on the counter and Kurt made sure the stalls were empty before planting a kiss on Blaines lips.

"We have to go to class."

"I know. I just don't want to." The door opened and they backed up. A very tall guy walked in and saw them standing together.

High School SweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now