Summer Break!

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The last day of school was exciting and everyone was so happy to be done with school for the year. Blaine and Kurt went to the Hummel's house after school to hang out. Burt and Carole were in the kitchen, eating a snack.

"Hey guys!"

"Hey dad!" Kurt said as he tossed his backpack on the floor.

"We are going to California next week."

"To visit our family?"

"Yeah! Haven't seen them in YEARS!"

"That's exciting!"

"I know and you get along with Lexie so that's good."

"Get along? We are besties. We text all the time."

"Yeah. You excited to see her again?"

"Of course!"

"Blaine, you're welcome to come too."




"No problem." Blaine asked his dad later that day who said he could go. They left the next week like Burt said. Burt had rented an Airbnb so when they got there, they went inside. Kurt and Blaine set their bags in their room, Finn put his bags in his, and Burt and Carole put their bags in theirs.

"We need a few groceries so I'm heading to the store." Burt said.

"I'll get them." Kurt said.

"Yeah I need a few things too so I'll go." Blaine said.

"Finn, how about you go?" Carole added.

"I don't wanna."


"Finn, go."

"No!" Kurt snapped.

"Why?" Burt asked. "You're being rude!"

"I just need stuff!"


"Burt. Let them go alone." Carole said.

"Wh—" Burt started. He stopped and walked away. "Fine, go alone." He said as he left the room.

"Send me the grocery list."

"I'll send it. You two go."

"Uhh— okay." They left and headed to the store. They grabbed some things for meals that Carole sent, ice cream, and a few personal things. Blaine went up to the counter as Kurt went to grab one more thing. The girl working was about their age and was staring at Blaine. He was uncomfortable because it was a creepy staring too. He cleared his throat and looked away after a second.

"I'm sorry. You just look really familiar."

"Oh." Is all he responded.

"It's probably nothing. You've probably have just been here before or something."

"I actually don't live here. Thinking of going to college here though."

"Oh cool." Kurt ran over and set a jug of milk on the check out table.

"Kurt?" She asked. He looked up and smiled.

"LEXIE?!" He ran around to the other side and gave her a huge hug. "OH MY GOD! I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE WORKING TODAY!"

"Wasn't supposed to but they called me in last minute so at least it's extra money." They both laughed.

"Sorry. I'll go back over there."

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