Chapter Twenty-Four: Past

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-=One Year Later=-

Wake up. Train. Eat. Reflect. Sleep. Repeat.

That was our schedule for the last six months. Nothing changed. Never. Or, it would have an "effect" on the results of our program.

But, today was different. I woke up to a sinking feeling left in my stomach. Every day we were sent to a special training facility further into the prison to experiment with our powers and try to grow or discover a new technique to use.

I gained a few new tricks, like for instance I could create this whip. A whip of pure fire, depending on how I moved it the heat would flicker between the hotter blue flame to the dull yellow glow. That was my favorite. Ryder, on the other hand, did so much more. He gained a some ten different abilities. Show-off.

We didn't exactly have a teacher to guide us, rather we had to find them out ourselves. We were separated into different rooms depending on what exactly your power was. Ryder and I were in the same room, which was nice. I wasn't completely alone.

When they opened my door to escort me to begin the day as usual, it wasn't the same. The same guard, Jerry was his name he's a cool dude, who had always brought me down wasn't there today. It was another guy who I hadn't seen before. He was taller, bigger, and much stronger of a guy then Jerry. The guard was also holding a syringe. The same syringe with the same liquid used on the first days I was here, it was so I couldn't use my powers for a full twenty-four hours.

I was right when I said today felt different, and I wish I wasn't.

He gave me the straight shot right into my neck. The idea of something being stuck into one of my most vulnerable of places made me uneasy at the beginning, but I've learned to get over it.

"No training today, just Reflect.", the soldier said as he guided me out of my cell and down to the stairs.


We walked even further back into the asylum. I was then put in yet another room with a different guy. He stood next to a table with some sort of metal box on it. He clicked a button and the top half flipped open to reveal two handles.

"Grab them.", he instructed me, his tone was strict and scared me a little.

"Why.", I asked foolishly.

"Precaution.", he demanded with short temper.

But, before I could move or say one more thing he grabbed both my wrists and forced me into holding the handles.

The lid almost immediately flipped back over, trapping my hands inside. I tried pulling with all my strength, but it was useless.

"What the hell!?", I protested.

"They're cuffs.", he said with a devilish grin before leading me to a door.

"No shit, Sherlock!", I protested in my normal sarcastic-asshole fashion.

He stepped back right when the door begin to slide upwards into a slot in the ceiling. I looked straight ahead and there was a familiar chair, with only a single light that swung above it.

Then I remembered. My heart sank, and beads of sweat begin to break above my forehead. I wanted to scream and run. Knowing this time I could control myself to do it too, but I stood motionless.

Starring. At that single chair, just like my dream from the day my whole adventure started.

The only thing missing were the chains that bound my ankles to a short step, but I don't mind that they aren't on.

"Step forward, Ms. Black.", the same tone, the same voice.

Neira Digby.

I proceed to approach the chair, just like I did in the dream.

"Come, come sit."

I took my seat and awaited for what was next.

She came into view. Same bun, same black blouse with the black ruffles, same black skirt. Everything.

"Good to see you again.", pulled her hands behind her back.

And what a pleasure it is." ,but, I finished for her.

She showed no shock, surprise. Just blank, that's what made her scary. Her bored, plain expression. Like, she didn't care who you were or why you were there. Carefree.

"It is indeed.", I added.

She then revealed the black box with the red button, but she didn't press it as quickly. My dream ended before I could see what happened after she pressed the button. It sent a shiver up my spine for when she didn't press it. She simply watched me as I watched the box. She knew I was interested.

"You are a strange one, Ms. Black.", she noted before pressing it.

There was a click and the silver box around my hands snapped open and dropped to the ground in a crashing sound. It was a lot heavier then I thought.

She looked up a gave a nod to someone who was behind me. I could only assume it was a guard or something there to protect Digby from me even though I have no intention to hurt her.

For the moment.

She turned back to me. I stared back, watching every move. From her inching grin, her slow move of the hand, and her dark grey eyes that reflected me. They reminded me of my own. It was strange staring into the eyes of someone who you didn't know if you should fear or love.

"I've noticed some things during your training that I would like to talk about.", Digby asked while circling around my chair, but keeping a close eye on me. Afraid of something I probably won't do.

"You seem to be falling behind? Everyone else is pushing hard ahead, but you're just.", she took a short pause, imagine for effect, "There. Care to explain, Ms. Black."

"Just call me Zara.", I snapped back.

"Okay then, Zara, Don't like your last name for some reason? Well, I could imagine why considering it was your family who gave you away, and that does remind me of something. I have some news about your said family, but we can get to that later."

She had now mad her way back around to the front of the chair, glaring down at me. Expecting me to answer her first question.

"I am the newest Mali here, I haven't had my powers for more then six months.", I answered calmly.

She shook her head in agreement, "But, doesn't that mean you are able to learn so much more? Discover abilities the others have already gotten and mastered? No, because you are going to say you are different?"

I stayed silent.

"Good answer.", she boasted like she was proud of it. Proud of me for saying the right answer. Silence.

"Well.", Digby continued, "Now that we've begun Stage Two of your training-"

"Wait what?", I interrupted, surprised that there was more then just the motions I've been doing since I got here, "There's a second stage to this?"

"Yes, which we will begin tomorrow.", she walked past me, I could hear the door open behind me.

"Wait.", I called out, "What were you going to tell me about my family?"

There was another short pause, a pause for effect, "Guess you and Ryder didn't teach your father that lesson about beating your mother properly six months ago. Your mother is dead, he strangled her three days ago with a piece of wire. See you tomorrow."

What? My mom is dead?

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