Chapter Thirteen: Present

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I had never even tried coffee before, and yet I'm sitting here signing a application form for a barista job. What's even worse is that if I get the job, I only have one arm to do it. This is going to be so much fun!

I finish with my last signature and hand over the papers to the barista. He disappeared into the only door, besides the front door, that was in this place. My guess it's an office door. I looked over at Ryder and Joey who are still completing the first page by the looks of it.

I spun the chair around and looked around. It was a fairly small café. It was larger in length then width. A few tables of four were set up in the front, and a row of two seated tables set along the wall leading to the back. The actual counter where the coffee was made took up the most space. The entire front was glass with a single wooden door that lead in. It look out of place and as if it would fall over at any time. The walls were filled with paintings by local artists that you couldn't tell if there was a wall behind them.

They were different colors of blue, red, and green. Some were of the city, others looked like a kid just splattered the canvas. I don't know why they would call it art, but it is better then one solid color I guess.

I turned back around and they were both now on the third page. Just four more to go.

The barista was coming back to us now, looking directly at me, "You're hired", he said handing over a apron and a hat.

It was an ugly lime green, the kind of green that you would throw up. Disgusting.

I was surprised it happened that quickly. You would think that they would spend more the five minutes in hiring someone, but if they are desperate for workers I guess they rules go flying out the wooden front door.

He signaled me to join him behind the counter, "Okay, have you ever worked a coffee machine before?"

I shook my head no.

"Okay, it's pretty easy, everything is labeled with numbers and labels, so just follow that. Yeah...", to be honest I don't even think he knows how this thing works.

"Alright, I'll leave you to it.", he hurried back to the office door and shut it behind him.

There was no one in here besides us four, "This is so much fun.", I said in my most sarcastic tone ever.

"Ha ha, funny.", Ryder said being sarcastic too.

They were finishing up now, finally. Ryder got up and went over to the door when the first customer walked in.

She walked over to the counter fumbling through her purse, "I'll have a non-fat mocha caramel latte with three expresso shots...Actually make it four.", she said.

"Uhhh...", I had no idea what the hell that is.

I walked over to the single coffee machine that supposedly did everything and out a cup underneath it. I pressed the button that said 'Coffee' and the black liquid started pouring out.

The only thing I remembered was the coffee part, and I think she said milk. I don't know, that's all I remember seeing my mom pour into her coffee.

I went over to the mini fridge under the counter and low and behold there was a gallon of milk. I poured the milk in until it was at the very top. Pushed the lid on, being careful not to spill this masterpiece, and handed it over to the lady.

She gave me five dollars and headed for the door.

She took one sip and stopped in her tracks.

Oh no. I fucked up.

"Mmm.", she exclaimed, "This is some of the best coffee I have ever had!", then she turned and left.

Well, okay then?

I looked over at Ryder who just shrugged his shoulders, "Apparently you have the Midas touch.", he said.

"Apparently I do.", I said in response.


Our shift was done and it was nearly dinner time. It was cold, dark, and rain began to fall. We still had three blocks to go.

Ryder and Joey also got the job surprisingly.

"So, how much did we make?", I asked Joey who was counting it in his hands.

"Uh, a little under twenty dollars between the three of us.", he said putting it in his back pocket.

We all sighed, "Five hours of my life wasted for twenty dollars...", Ryder said speaking for us all.

"I don't even get why we need jobs, that old ladies money is enough for months.", Joey said.

Ryder replied, "But, one day the money is going to run out, we need to have some money replacing it."

"It's just, when I imagined getting out of that prison I would be running around acting like a kid again, but I'm here trying to be an adult.", said Joey.

I had almost forgot, Joey is no where near our age. He's only fourteen when we're at seventeen, eighteen, and even twenty. He should be running around like a kid.

"Well, we aren't normal kids, Joey, we don't get that privilege.", said Ryder.

Joey shook his head in understanding, trying to end the conversation I guess. I looked ahead to see the apartment corner. The rain had picked up now, and we were soaked.

The day really hasn't been that great. Why does it have to rain just to make it that much better?

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