Chapter One: Present

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-=Two Years Later=-

"Fucking run!", I screamed at the petrified Joey.

He stood still shaking at the horde of M.P.A soldiers running for us.

This is not what I meant when I said I needed excitement in my life!!!

My lungs burned and my breaths were short. I wasn't meant for long distance running, let alone movement.

If I was going to fight off these soldiers, I was gonna need heat and need it fast.

It's the middle of the night so the suns out of an option. The M.P.A have lights on us, but I need to be close up and no way am I doing that.

I turned around for a quick second and saw Joey high-tailing it to catch up to me. He was wailing in his babyish way. Trying to keep his too big glasses on his tiny head.

For him to get his powers, he has to suck basically the thoughts out of someone's head. It's weird and hard to explain unless you see it happening. Long story short, he touches me I'll pass out and it will screw up my chances of escape.

"Joey, get to the meet up. I got to loose my guys, you loose yours!", I shouted making a sharp right for the trees. Him proceeding to make a sharp left for the abandoned buildings.

I dodged tree and limb, trying to loose them behind me. I could feel the branches and their twigs hit me in the face to snap off.

Feeling the sting of each cut. Spiting out the leaves I catch in my mouth. Nature just hates me.

I looked up through the leaves and it was still no where near morning. Either I have to loose them, which I'm finding near impossible right now, or I have to run till the sun comes out.

They weren't getting father away, but they also weren't getting any closer. You looked ahead and you saw no end, you looked behind and you saw flash lights.

"She's getting away!"

"Well, run faster!"

"Should we shoot?"

But, I didn't hear the response because someone had already answered it. The first shot rang out as I saw the bark to my left burst into fragments of shards and pieces.

I started swerving in between trees, making it harder for them to shoot me. Even with my powers, healing from a bullet wound to the head isn't easy.

So I dodged, ducked, ran. Dodged, ducked, ran. Dodged, ducked, ran. Repeat. Over and over again.

The bullets kept coming, and I kept running.

The bullets started slowing down, and the sound of feet hitting the earth drifted off.

I was actually loosing them. Forget my pessimistic towards this not working out, I was actually becoming free.

I wanted to scream out in joy, but I was one out of breath and two I don't need to be found again.

I slowed down my pace and eventually stopped behind a tree. Leaned up against it and took some long needed breaths.

My body was already starting to ache from the amount of exercise I just did. The pain in my chest started to subside, and I knew everything was going to be okay.

But, the moment of ease was quickly over when the stomping feet came back. It wasn't behind me, but coming from my left.

I got up, and peering around the tree to see Ryder running towards me.

"Still being chased!", he screamed. He grabbed my arm and forced my legs back into action. I tripped over them trying to get caught up.

The bullets were ringing out again in my ears. Splitting trees and breaking branches.

It was not more then moments later till I heard the single shot. The one that made the world go silent.

I tripped over myself as the bullet pierced through my jacket and into my shoulder.

I hit the ground with a thud, and everything came back. The flying bullets, Ryder screaming for me to get up, and the pain.

Oh, the pain.

All that running I just did was easier then what I feel right now in my right shoulder.

I told my feet to get up and move, but my body just couldn't do it. I laid there barely moving my arms and head. Looking up to see Ryder running off. Leaving me.

I glanced behind to see how close they were, but they weren't on me.


I closed my eyes and waited for them to come and collect me. I felt the tug on my jacket that was picking me up off the ground.

I opened my eyes, willing to see the face that would put the second bullet in between my eyes, but it wasn't no soldier who was carrying me.

It was Ryder. And, thank god it was him because the next thing I heard was someone yelling,

"I found blood! We hit one of them!"

I clutched onto his jacket for dear life, and dug my face into it as well. Waiting for me to just wake up in my bed. At my house, with nothing but my phone and food. That's what I needed to survive.

Now, it's hoping that I won't die by the firing squad behind us as we run as far as we can.

I could feel my shoulder going numb. I probably was bleeding all over Ryder. His nice gray jacket, now mixed with my blood.

My arms turned numb next. Loosing feeling to continue to clutch onto his jacket. Ryder could tell too because he looked down at me.

"No no no, don't you dare leave me now.", he said shaking me a bit.

I couldn't help it, but keep my eyes shut and just let go. Let the feeling in my legs and my chest go. Only letting my head rest against his chest.

He started slowing down, but him calling my name didn't stop.

"Zara, look at me. Come on, the suns almost up."

But, it was too late. I had already drifted off.

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