Chapter Six: Past

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"What the hell did you do to me!!?", I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was scared. I was worried.

"I-I-", Ryder stuttered trying to spit out some kind of answer, "I- don't know!"

"No! No! You did this to me, you have to know!", I continued to scream, wanting to yell louder at him.

"Shh, keep your voice down!", he said putting his finger to his mouth to get me to call down.

"No! I will not. Until, you tell me what is happening, I refuse to calm down!!", I said continuing to burn out my breath.

"Shhhh!", he said still trying.

The rustling of leaves and burning branches to out left, back into the forrest, startled us as a voice rang out, "This is the fire department, call out!"

Ryder quickly ran over to me and grabbed my hand, "Come on.", he said pulling me along side him up the river bank, "We can't be seen."

I kept my mouth shut because that part is true. Obviously, if he is trying to run then I should too. At least now I should.

After a couple of more feet was a cave that was big enough to hide both of us in.

Ryder pushed the leaves and vines, and pulled me into the cave with him.

"Be quiet, and I'll explain after they leave.", Ryder said.

I shook my head yes in response and sat down on the cold, wet floor of the cave. Ryder leaned against the opposite wall, and we waited.


It was getting darker and colder as time went on. I started to see my breath even.

I peeked my head outside the cave entrance to listen for any sign of a firetruck siren, a shouting fireman, or the burning trees.

But, it was all silent.

I looked back at Ryder who was still leaning against the wall sleeping.

I kicked his foot in attempt to get him up, "They're gone."

He opened his eyes and looked over at me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty, they're gone.", I said crawling out of the cave.

It was just as dark outside as in it was in the cave. Even colder I think.

I got up and looked around. Already being a cautious person didn't exactly help me feeling any safer.

I'm a freak now all because of him, and he says there is some organization that hunts down people like him. All the worst possible outcomes are just rushing through my head at this moment. Being captured, tested as some animal experiment, tortured, and or even worse my own death.

I'm too young to die now!

I just waned to curl up into a ball right then and there from how afraid I was. Near panic attack even.

God, I'm sounding like a fool.

I felt a tap on my shoulder that sent me spinning around to be face to face with Ryder, "What!", I said almost screaming it even.

"Shhh.", he said again, "I need a place to stay, and I refuse to sleep in a tree again!"

"You can sleep in my hideout, there's a sleeping bag in the closet. I have to get home before my mom notices. Just go there!", I said starting to run off in the direction of my house.

At least, I hope it's the right direction.

I turned around not waiting for a response from Ryder as I disappeared into the woods.

If my guessing and knowledge of the area, if I just head straight back to the road my house should only be a few houses down.

I raced over the burnt, still smoking, fallen trees and bushes. Dodging more of them as I got further up the hill.

It was easier because running down a hill is a lot faster then running up one. Also less effort.

I eventually made my way back to the road and my guess was correct. My house was in perfect view from where I came out of the forrest.

I sighed of relief as I walked through the door, being extra careful as I closed it behind me.

The darkness of the wide open entrance made it hard for me to see. Again having to step around the usual amount of broken plates and glass from one of my parents' many fights.

They often end in my mom running to her bedroom to cry and my father running to the bar to get even more drunk. It was a constant event.

I held my breath, already steading myself for the inevitable of me stepping on the glass. Not only having to pick out more glass from the bottom of my shoe, but also waking up my mom, my father, or even worse.


Each step. Making it more careful then the last. Acting like a silent ninja more perfectly.

Surprising myself that I've made it this far.

I can see my door at this point. It being slightly open with the huge hole that gapped through the wall next to it.

Thanks to my dad of course.

It's getting closer. I could reach out and touch it now.


Nearly there...

Got it...

One foot inside my room and I knew I was safe. I quickly shut the door behind me in a swift manner as I turned on the light.

I did it.

I wanted to jump up and down in excitement for making it that far without a slip, but it would stop short if I did that.

I walked over to my drawer instead and put on my pajamas. Moved over to my mirror and brushed my brown hair down. Picking out the dirt and bark from my adventure in the woods. Just trying to scrub away all the evidence of me being in the burning woods.

The burning woods that I started.

Wait, I don't know that for sure! For all I know that tree could have just spontaneously combusted, and it could have just looked like my hand was on fire from my point of view. Or this is all just a dream even! Or or or... I don't know! None of this can just be real, it it can't be!

I started breathing fast again from the stress I just caused myself. I took some deep breathes as I calmed down a little more.

I was just working myself up again for something that is impossible to happen to anyone.

I've always overthink things, so this is all that's happening.

Me being paranoid over nothing.

None of this is real, Zara.




I looked down at my white knuckles that was attempting to crush my hair brush, and finally relaxed. I took another deep sigh and set the brush down on the dresser.

I got under my sheets as quickly as possible in an attempt to get rid of the memories of today.

Pushing out the ideas of me being a Mali, the trees, and especially that Ryder boy.

He's just an imagination and I can prove it tomorrow when I go to my little hideout to find that he is not there. Then everything can go back to my normal shitty life.

Just letting it all go.

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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