Chapter Fifteen: Present

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-= Three Weeks Later=-

The ground was completely covered by now in snow. It was not just a dusting, but the thick and wet kind of snow. Just walking down the few blocks to the coffee shop was a bare.

"Welcome to Pittsburgh.", exclaimed Everett. We all got out wanted jobs, and they all just so happened to be on the same street. There were a few block differences. Like the coffee shop was three blocks from the apartment, the restaurant is seven blocks, while the clothing store was fifteen, and boy did Mina hate the walking.

"Well it's annoying, why couldn't Adiuva Asylum be built in I don't know Florida? Orlando is easy to slip away into.", Mina said complaining as always.

Riva broke her silence for once, "Then how else are they going to make us suffer?"

We all laughed a little because it was the first funny thing she had ever said.

The cafe was coming up, we all said our good-byes, and walked in.

The same freshly ground coffee smell was already filling the room. Derek, who I now know the name of, was pouring the beans in the grinding machine.

Over the couple of weeks, I have been able to go from an ordinary black cup of coffee to being able to add that expresso, warmed milk, sugar, and artificial crap they all crave. Still don't get the point of it, but whatever gets me paid money is good enough reason for me.

Derek noticed us coming in, "Oh, hey guys I need you guys to do something.", he was high. Again. His voice was slurred and overly energetic.

Ryder answered, "Sure, what is it."

"My weed- I mean coffee suppler has a new batch in and I need to go pick it up. So, can you guys watch the shop?", he explained while jumping from side to side. Twitching even.

"Yeah, no problem.", replied Joey.

"Great! Well..See you guys later.", Derek said running out of the shop nearly forgetting his coat.

We all looked at each other, "Come on guys how hard is it going to be?", said Ryder being his sarcastic way.


-=One Hour Later=-

"I want my damn coffee!", they were all screaming it. The horde of people that stood before us.

I couldn't count how many because there were too much to count.

I looked to Ryder who was flipping out, trying to put the coffee brewer back together, "It won't fit!", he screamed.

Joey was at the cash register trying to write down what seemed like hundreds of orders. He was frantic and nervous at the same time, doing his best to keep the writing legible.

"What's it doing!", I was shouting back at Ryder.

"The water won't heat!", at the word 'heat' it clicked in both our heads.

He took the bucket of water and ducked under the counter.

I looked back to the crowd, "Your coffee will be prepared soon!", I was trying to be reassuring, but it was only making it worse.

Ryder popped up with the steaming water and pushed it in the slot. He hit the button and the sound of the brewing coffee made everyone go silent. Anticipating for the first cup to be served.

We didn't care what they wanted in it, we just poured it and threw sugar packets at their faces.

Once they got their cups, they devoured the coffee like as if they knew it was their last, but only did we hope it was actually their last.

But, no. They come back. Rabid and thirsty as ever because for them it's life or death when dealing with the term 'coffee'.

Within the hour, they all began to move out and on to their lives with cups in hand. Us being once again successful in fulfilling their day.

God, do I hate it.

We all looked at each other again and began to laugh. Like we had lost our minds because we did.

As the last customer was leaving, Derek walked in. He was carefully caring a box, filled with what we know is weed.

"So-So, how was it?", Derek asked still being high.

"Interesting.", I answered. I was being honest.

"Okay, I'm just going to go in back and sort out the stock... bye..", Derek said before running through the door and locking it behind him.

I just shook my head in disappointment and began to clean the counters. The dried coffee stains being the hardest to scrub off.

If I did learn something today it would be that people without coffee is the start of the apocalypse. So, never ever take it away from them.

And, cleaning is the worst thing to ever do in the history of having a job

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