Chapter Two: Past

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-=Two Years Earlier=-

The final bell rang and it was a mad dash for the exit. Grab stuff from your locker, chat with friends outside, then pile onto your bus. Same route everyday.

I lived close to the school, so I just walk. It's nice because I don't have to sit on a hot bus with a bunch of noise kids I hate. I also counted it as my exercise.

But, this day felt different. The air wasn't different, my way home wasn't different, it just felt like something bad was gonna happen.

And it did.

"Where you going freak!", someone shouted from behind me.

I quickly turned to see the face of my public enemy number one.

Max Fisher.

Just something about the kid made me want to puke. Whether it was his ugly face that was covered in achene, or his voice that sounded like a thousand nails scratching on a chalk board. He was short, fat, and 100% annoying. But, he could pack a punch.

"Home. Maybe you should be heading back to day care as well.", I said turning back around.

"Heh, funny. Maybe you should be heading back to see your therapist?", he said laughing along with his two backup buddies.

I forget their names, never really cared to learn them, but they stuck around Max like glue sticks to paper.

"Nah, I already visited him this week.", I said picking up my pace.

I'm not exactly afraid of him, but I don't like getting punched in the jaw by three kids.

"Well, why you walking faster now?", he said moving faster too.


"Oh, I just want to get home and start my homework. I have a lot you know.", I said.

"But, I wanted to play?", he said. The ground started beating and I looked behind me to see the three slabs of meat chase after me.

I turned back around and sprinted for my hideout. It's back in the woods a bit. All it was is a tiny shack that was gonna collapse any day now. It was also surrounded by a fence which was nice.

I made the sharp turn down the dirt path to the shack. I already had a nice branch that was leaning against the door I could use to beat any pest away. I think now was a appropriate time to try it out.

I threw my backpack over the fence top, and grabbed the branch. I turned around to face them just running up.

"Sweetheart, I hate to break it to you, but it's three vs a stick.", Max said with a grin as he and his two buddies came closer.

I took my first swing at one of Max's helpers. It was directed for the head, but he saw that's where it was going as well. He grabbed it from my hands and tossed it behind him.

Damn it.

I could tell this wasn't going to have a good ending, and with no way of protecting myself. I closed my eyes and waited for the punches. I stood tall and ready keeping my eyes shut tight, and my fists clutched.

I opened my mouth to start screaming after the punches came, but when I did someone else started screaming. It was a boy, obviously, and I could feel warmth. Like a heat of a fire.

I flung my eyes open to see the three boys laying on the ground unconscious, and fire scattered around them. The trees around us were thick, and hard to see the sun through the them. The smoke had already started building up.

I walked around the fire and headed back on the path to the street. But, something caught my eye.

More fire. I walked towards it and it was a trail of it's own.

It lead me back into the trees. The fire grew less and less the further I went.

It lead me to a patch of sun that was barely making it's way through the trees. And standing in the center of the patch, was a boy.

Probably my age, a little bit taller then my five foot four inch size, brown short hair, and he wore a nice black leather jacket.

I started walking forward, from the shadow of the trees to the light of the sun.

But, me being me, I stepped on a stick. It snapped in the loudest way possible. The boy turned around quickly, and the next thing I saw was a ball of fire hurdling towards my head.

I dove to the ground, right as the tree behind me splintered into a million pieces.

"Watch it you jerk!", I screamed pushing myself up off the ground.

I brushed myself off and stood back up, "What are you?", I asked.

"I-I'm sorry first of all,'re not afraid of me?", he asked walking towards me.

"No, should I?", I asked, "Now, what are you?"

"I am a Mali, isn't it obvious?", he said.

There was an awkward pause because one, he expected me to say something and two I have no idea what a Mali is?

"You know? See a Mali, report to MPA. The war on Malies is growing, join the battle.", he was trying to get me to remember, but I had nothing to remember about it.

"Look, dude, I have no idea what you're talking on about.", I said coming back out of the shadows.

He had a surprised look on his face, and whispered something under his breath then turned back to me.

"So no organization called the MPA has ever visited this town?", he asked.

"Noo....?", I said almost questioning him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, that's great."

"You still haven't answered my question, What are you?", I said it again.

"Well.", he started, "A Mali is a person with 'powers', we are humans with bonuses I guess. I'm just good with fire.", and with that a tiny spark of fire appeared in his hand.

"Cool.", was all I could say as I stared at the fire. It was pretty and it waved as the wind blew past us.

He closed his hand and it went out, the grey smoke was the only thing left.

"How did you get it?", I asked.

"Oh, a few years ago I think? I dunno, I just woke up with my room on fire and when I would move the fire would move with me. It was weird and really scary, but I've gotten used to it.", he said.

"Why are you out here then?", I asked.

"MPA has been chasing me for the last three weeks, I needed a place to hide and a small town like this is easy to blend in if I don't get seen.", he said.

"Who are the MPA exactly?", I asked.

"Mali Protection Agency. Relocating Malies since 2007. Meaning they capture Malies, do experiments on us, then lock us up in a cell till we die. That's why I'm running. Every Mali is running.", he looked down at the ground, almost ashamed he has to do that.

"Anyways.", he said sticking his hand out, "I'm Ryder."

I walked up closer, "I'm Zara.", I grabbed his hand and we shook.

But, then came on this excruciating pain in my hand. It traveled up my arm and into my hole body. I started screaming as I let go and fell to the ground.

I looked across at him and he felt the same pain too because he was yelling just as much.

It hurt so much. But, it all went away as I slipping into unconsciousness.

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