Chapter Sixteen: Past

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We never stopped walking. It was morning now, and we had walked past three towns now. In and out. No words, just movement.

I was leading now, and was further ahead then Ryder.

"You know you could slow down?", Ryder was shouting, I didn't realize we were that far apart.

I slowed my paced down a little, but refrained from looking back or speaking.

It was sometime before he spoke again, "So, where are we going?"

I didn't answer. I tried and ignored him.

"Do you at least have a plan for what's next?", he asked again trying to get me to talk.

"You have to have a-.", I interrupted him.

"I'll wing it.", I said.

"Well, that does sound like a solid plan.", he was being sarcastic.

I replied, "Thanks."

The small talk was over and I continued walking.

When I said I was winging it, I was being honest. I don't know where I'm going, or what I'm doing next.

I've never been away from home before, and the one time I did it was a fail.

Our class went on a camping trip in fourth grade, and I didn't even last a day there. We were taking a hike into the mountain as a start, and of course I was in the back.

I can remember just thinking about how I'll be left off again when any of the actual fun will happen. I think I even brought a book so I could just do that, and you know I was desperate when I would read a book for entertainment. That's when I looked up. The same kid Max, who attacked me when I first met Ryder was blocking me from moving any further.

I can recall him saying, "Where are you going short-stop?", that was my nickname from him, "Why you stuck in the back?"

I didn't want to answer, I didn't like saying anything back then. I was a mute you could say. I was in fear everyday, and fourth grade was the worst because I had no friends, I couldn't even call any of them acquaintances. I had no one to back me.

"What not going to answer again? That's a shame, it's funny watching you scream?", I think he was even more violent and horrible back then.

Next thing I remember is rolling down the hill. He pushed me and I went tumbling down. I hit my head off a rock or something of the sort and blacked out.

I woke up in their nurse's station. I had broke my wrist and had a pretty huge bump on my head.

Max told them I slipped off the path and down the hill. Of course they believed him.

My mom said that is wasn't right for him to push me, but my dad said I got what I deserved since I didn't stand up to him. She gave in as usual.

The next thing I know I'm walking into a diner. We sat down at a table. The menu was just a sheet of paper with only a few items.

"Don't worry.", Ryder stated, "The first day was the hardest for me too."

I looked up, "But, did you murder someone the day before?", I said coldly looking back down.

The waitress walked over, "Hi my name is Tracy, what would you like?", she was perky. Like annoying perky.

"Cheeseburger with a coke.", Ryder asked.

Tracy looked over to me, "I'll have-.", but before I could answer two police officers walked in.

I looked over to Ryder who turned around and noticed them too. They pointed over to us, but I tried my best not to look back as they approached us.

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