Chapter Eleven: Present

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I put back on the boots and headed over to the door that was barely open.

The light shined bright through the small window and it bounced off the white wall paper.

The clock read 2:47, but even though I did sleep almost twelve hours it felt like I had only slept two.

Mina and Riva had already gotten up and as I walked down the narrow hallway the smell of pancakes and bacon hit me.

Actual food, and better yet it was bacon and pancakes. The whole apartment smelled like it, it reminded me of home a little.

"Morning.", Everett said standing over the stove. I'm assuming he is flipping the pancakes.

"Where is everybody?", I asked leaning over the island that divided us.

"Ryder and Joey went to the grocery store. The lady had food left over, but barely enough to even make this. Mina and Riva volunteered to go buy us more clothing then just this. Then you and me are right here.", he said not even looking up.

"But, how did they get money-", Everett cut me off, "To buy stuff? She had a safe with a little over twenty-five thousand in it."

"Then how did you-", he did it again,

"Get it out? Ryder burnt it to a crisp."

"Okay then when-", and again, "are they coming back? Dunno.", finally he looked up with a grin from ear to ear.
Of course he would do this.

"I hate-", but I still try, "You? I know."


"It. Nope, I'm good."


"Annoying. Totally."

Even just thinking it, he will cut you off. Reading minds must be an amazing power to use on other people, but when you're the person he's doing it on it's not as much fun.

I turned around and sat down the old green couch. Most of the stuff in here looks expensive like only the higher class people could buy, but the one thing that stood out was this couch.
It had more stains then you could count and even more holes then that.
Even if this couch had the most sentimental value in my heart I would still get rid of it. Worst of it all, it smelled like cat piss.

Dear god, I hope there aren't any cats hiding out in here.

I hate cats so much.

I pushed that horrible thought out of my head and turned on the flat screen tv instead. The local tv station appeared with an old lady going on about some bank being robbed.
I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. Totally of about three. The local news, food network, and football.

Since I don't like news nor football, my options were limited.

It was that show where they had baskets of food and had to make something out of it. I don't really see the point of it rather then just watch trained chefs screw up by either cutting off their finger or forgetting an ingredient. But, Everett seemed to enjoy it considering he stopped everything to look over my shoulder and watch it.

The door swung open and the rest of them came through. Carrying the grocerys and bags of clothes with them.

"I am so happy that this lady had money.", exclaimed Mina with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her face. A large bag of clothing in each hand, god she can be such a girl sometimes.

I asked, "So, what did we get?"

"Too much.", said Joey struggling to carry a single bag of food. Poor kid.

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