Chapter Twenty-Two: Past

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-=Six Month Later=-

"Ouch!", I screamed, "The machine didn't look that difficult!"

"I told you that it would probably kill you, but nooooo, nobody believes Ryder when he's right.", Ryder nagged on as he helped me untangle myself from the death trap.

"Okay third person, I get it!", I hissed, "Now help me get out."

Eventually, with time and effort I was able to get out. The laughter of the other Rooks and Mills's constant rolling of the eyes were barely noted as I slowly untangled myself.

I stumbled over my feet and nearly face planted, but Ryder was there to catch me. I'm glad he was there, there would be more laughing then I could handle.

The bell rang for lunch, we all formed a single line and began walking through the next door. This entire place was just door after door of a maze.

The only way I know which door is which is the bold black letters that hang over every door frame. Same size, same font. Very dull, if you ask me.

I've gotten better in adjusting to everything here. Don't talk, don't laugh, and most importantly obey all rules, which I have yet to see written down somewhere.

If they aren't important enough to be written down, then they aren't important rules.

We all received the same meal, on the same boring grey trays, and in the same pattern.

A carton of milk I the top left box, a juice you were allowed to pick between apple and grape set in the center top, green beans that were probably from a can in right top, some sort of brown meat in the bottom right I didn't dare to touch, and a roll in the bottom left. I only ate the roll, and drank the milk and apple juice I was so proud in choosing.

Grape juice just tastes like watered down wine and I hate wine, and don't ask why I know what wine tastes like. It's a story that I will never repeat again.

For whatever reason, we made an acceptable impression on Mina and her group. They usually try to get our attention every second they see us. Kinda creepy.

We eat lunch with them now, it's mostly them talking amongst themselves and us sitting there listening in. I grew used to becoming that kind of person. The Listener.

The sound of a crackling speaker boomed throughout the cafeteria. Causing many to cover their ears.

We all looked to the front doors to see Mills standing on the table with a microphone in hand.

"Digby requests the following people for a one on one.", his voice echoed, bouncing around the room.

"Ryder Barker,
Zara Black", the very mention of my name sent chills up and down my back. Why would she want to see me? Bounced around in my mind. Never leaving me, even as the rest of the names were called,
"Jarred Bolt
Everett Hart
Mina Winters.
That, is all.", the microphone clicked off.

We all got up and headed for the door. With Mills stood two more guards, "Just don't say something stupid, and that goes double for you Winter!"

"Already guilty.", Mina replied.

Pushed back into the organized single line, we were lead to another series of doors, but out destination was the one door that was off in this place.

It had no sign above it.

It sent butterflies into my stomach. This is either going to go one of two ways.

1.) I'm being awarded for some extraordinary progress that I have shown.


2.) I'm being punished for not showing some extraordinary progress.

And, with what I was doing this morning, the second scenario is most likely why I'm here.

We were seated in a row of chairs, in alphabetical order of our last names. Ryder was closest to the door.

Almost immediately, Digby stepped out from the door, "I actually want to start with Ms. Black first."

Really!! Why me!!

Was back, screaming louder in my head then before. I took a big gulp as I rose from the cold chair and stepped into the room.

It looked similar to the interrogation back at that police station, but the lights were barely lit. I was afraid if the door was shut, they would go out all together.

But, they stayed. Thank god.

"So, how have you enjoyed your stay here so far?", Digby started, "Everyone's treating you nice?", it was like she was talking to me about how my first day of school went. Overly eager, and excited for my answer.

"Good?", I answered, considering I was drugged and brought here for a reason I have yet to hear, it's gone alright.

"That's good to hear, but what I want to know is your story. How did you manage to never be seen or heard of by my field agents?", she continued, "It's a mystery I would love for you to solve, so we won't miss another Mali like you in the future."

"Um..", I lied, "I'm just really good at keeping secrets."

I'm not, I'm horrible.

She showed an expression of surprise, "Is that so? Well, good thing you found that boy Ryder otherwise I doubt we would be having this conversation right now. I think I would ask him the same question next.", she said assuring me in her ever smiling face, "Anyway, I was hoping you could help me in something else as well. A new program we want to start.", before I could reply yes or no she had answered for me, "You will be starting a new schedule in which after an hour in the Training gym you will report here for some 'Special' training.", her smile turned to a small grin on the word 'Special.' The butterflies were returning in great swarms now, "I look forward to getting to know you better. Now, usher Ryder in here next would you?"

The guard was already pulling me by the arm out of the room. He pushed me out. I looked over at Ryder, "Your next.", I said.

He nodded and risen and walked straight in, the door closed behind him.

"Well that was short, what did you guys talk-", Mina attempted asking, but was cut off by the guard, "No talking.", he scolded Mina.

She stared back at him with stern eyes. 'Nobody interrupts me', was written across her forehead. She hates it and everybody knew that, except this guard.

He went back to silence and waited the one hour it took for Digby to run through us all.

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