Chapter Twenty-Five: Present

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There was silence, but I loved it. It was as if the world had gone still. Waiting, for a next move.

We were both in each other's arms. I had reached up and held my arms around his neck. He had his just above my waist, but with our size differences I stood on the tips of my toes so I could reach him.

I bet it looked weird from the outside, but between us it was something I deep down had wished for.

I pulled back thinking it would become awkward if we stood there for too long, but he pulled me back in for a hug. He held on with a tight grip, as if he was afraid to let go and I was afraid as well. My head rested against his chest and I could hear his heart racing. Pumping blood at a fast rate, like he was nervous.

"I'm sorry.", I whispered.

He gave a gentle smile, "I know. I'm sorry, too."

"I know.", I muttered under my breath, "Is that going to be our thing? I know."

"I know.", this time he was being trying to be funny.

He loosened his grip and I was finally able to let go. I turned and looked at the other four people who lived in this apartment.

Everyone had a stun look on their face. Shocked I showed love.

But, Mina.

"Well, that's one way to end a fight.", I swear her sarcasm will never die.

"So what now?", Joey spoke up proposing a new question. What do we do now?

Continue on living here and going to work in that strange and horrifying coffee shop, washing dirty dishes in the back of a restaurant, or folding and refolding clothes in some underpaid boutique.

"I say we move on.", I spoke up. Somewhere past Pittsburgh and this god awful weather."

"To where?", Everett asked.

"Hollywood. Isn't that where all the stars go?", Mina gushed. Boasting her words as usual.

"Ha ha ha funny, Mina, but we should try and stay out of the spot light.", Ryder said mockingly.

All and all I was being serious. We need to keep moving. We will never be far enough away from that prison or Digby for all that matters.

We will have to live like this for the rest of our lives. Run. Run around. Run everywhere. All because we could pose a threat, which let's be honest, none of us are.

We are just now turning into adults. Past the age where they expect you to have your shit together. Well you know what?

I don't.

My life is the completely opposite. I'm wanted by an agency that I've sworn I'll never go back to, I'm living in a house with a bunch of other young adults who don't know what to do either, and I just had my first kiss in the most random and unexpected way possible.

Seriously, what am I doing with my life? Staying here is not the answer.

"We just need to keep moving.", I repeated.

"To where?", Ryder asked.

"I don't care anywhere, but here.", I blurted out, "Let's go south for all I care."

"Eww.", Joey shuddered, "That's where I'm from. It's awful down there!"

I've only been down south to Georgia once. I have, I had, family down there. I think I was four at the time and all I remember was it was hot, sticky, a lot of mosquitos, and peaches.

They lived on a peach farm.

I also remember a lot of fighting. Between mostly my dad and my grandma. My grandma knew from the start what my father would turn out to be, wish my mom just listened to her.

My mom...

The very thought of her again brought back a pain I had felt a long time ago. Back before I went to Adiuva, and when they told me of what had happened to my mom.

I don't know where my dad needed up now, I assume he went to prison for what he had done to her. To her body.

I at least hope that's what happened to him.

"Zara.", I was snapped out of my thoughts, "What do you think?"

It was obvious I wasn't paying attention, you could see it on Everett's face when he asked me again, "What do you think about heading for Maryland?"

"Sure.", I replied, "Let's just get out of here."

There was a knock at the door. We all quickly turned our heads to face it, frozen still from there.

We were unsure how to react. How to move. How to think. We all know it's one of three options:

1.) It's Everett's cousin.

2.) It's the M.P.A and we have been found


3.) It's the old lady and she wants her apartment back, but we all know she ain't coming back.

Either option one or two, and as much as I wish this wasn't it option two is probably right, and when the soldiers come bursting through the door...

I wish I wasn't right.

I don't want to go back, I don't want to leave.

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