Chapter Twenty-Seven: Present

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Everett gave up the most resistance, the rest of us accepted our fate. There was always an underlining feeling we would go back, to be honest we thought it would have been sooner.

We were chained once again, our hands in the metal boxes, unable to feel anything beyond our writs. Another feeling I wish would just go away. Leave me alone.

We were led out of the apartment one by one to awaiting black vehicles. I'm not much of a car person, but I think they were SUV's and from my experience of movie watching it always meant some shit was going to go down.

We each had our own car to ride in, six in total. I was in the leading car.

I took a last glance to my left to catch Ryder's eyes. His eyes were filled with fear, I could only imagine what mine reflected back.

I was lifted into the back seat, the inside was different. The inside was what could only be described as the inside of a limo. Besides the two doors on either side, the perimeter of the back was a seat. All black interior, no champagne bar unfortunately, and the wall leading to the front was grated.

I sat in the far back, the two guards that led me here sat in the front. Facing me.

The engine started and I could feel the shift as we began to move.


At some point I had fallen asleep. I was laying down on the back seat and we were still moving.

There were voices, the two guards up front.

"We're not getting paid enough for what we're doing to these kids."

"What do you expect, you work for the government?"

I continued to listen.

"Yeah, but for this? Not worth it."

"Why is it 'not worth it?"

"What we're doing to them.", I can only imagine he was pointing at me, "We're turning them into monsters."

"So? The ends will justify the means."

"Really. You truly believe that these means will justify the end? What kind of bullshit are you eating."

"It's for a good cause."

"For us it is. The rest of the world, not so much, especially for Iran. Everyone hates us enough already."

"Why not let them hate us some more?"

"You're dumb. A special kind of stupid."

"Thanks, I get it from my Dad's side."

They both started laughing.

What do they mean they are turning up into monsters? They already think we're monsters to begin with. How else could they damage us anymore.

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