Chapter Three: Present

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I came through after the sharp pain in my shoulder has started to fade away.

I opened my eyes and sat up to the sun shining bright through the slim branches of the trees. It had a nice orange glow leading me to guess its setting.

I looked to my shoulder and it was wrapped with gauze and tape. Didn't look like what you would get coming out of a hospital, but what choice do I have. I'm still here am I not?

I was probably placed out here to heal up after they bandaged me. I got up and walked over the abandoned building just a few feet away from me.

I looked inside and the majority if us was here. Ryder, Joey, Riva, Mina, and Everett. Jarred and Kyra weren't here yet.

I stumbled my way through the door. Watching myself not to fall on my injuries shoulder.

Every step just shot even more pain up my leg and into my shoulder. I held my injured arm, keeping it from moving as much as I could. Definitely the worst moment of my life right here.

Joey saw me first and smiled, "Glad to know you're at least alive."

"Yeah, but in pieces.", I replied walking up closer to the circle of them.

The pile of stuff we stole was in the center of them. Packs, a few guns, food, first aid kit that looked newly opened. Because of me obviously. It was everything we needed to get to the closest city seventy-three miles away from here.

When they built Adiuva Asylum it had to be far away from any civilians. Cleared the town that we now hide in now to make sure of a far enough distance.

Everyone looked up once I spoke. Ryder was the only one to get up and help me the rest of the way to the circle.

I'm not one to ask for help, but everything is still spinning and dizzy. I must have lost a lot of blood. Must of sucked for whoever had to clean that up.

"What's the game plan?", I asked slowing getting down to sit.

"We're gonna leave early tomorrow morning. We figured you would be up by then, which you are, and hopefully that would be enough time for Kyra to get here.", Mina said while she was reloading one of the magazines for the pistol.

"And, we're not waiting for Jarred?", asked Joey.

"Jarred was beside me when he too was shot. But-", Mina took a pause. We all knew she liked Jarred and Jarred liked her, "But, he was shot in the head..must of been quick because I didn't hear or see the shot. I just turned and saw his body. Luckily he gave me the opportunity to loose them and be here now.", Riva reached over and grabbed her hand. They are sisters, she should be comforting her.

I'm glad I was an only child. I'm just bad at it at the whole emotional thing.

Mina rubbed away her silent tears and looked up, "Anyway, we all should be getting some rest."

"I'll take first watch.", Ryder spoke up quickly.

He got up and offered me his hand as I was beginning to get up. I ignored it at first, as almost this was a pride thing. I never got help before, so I rarely accept it anymore.

But, after the second failed attempted I grabbed his hand and he pulled me the rest of the way up.

"Alright, but no fire you two. We'll be a fucking beacon in the middle of these woods.", Mina said throwing him the pistol from the pile.

He caught it and stuck it in his back pocket.

"Come on.", he said nodding his head to over in the corner.

We walked over to the corner and sat down as the rest spread out to their own areas.

"Tried using your powers yet?", Ryder said leaning against the wall.

"No...I'm afraid to.", I said crossing my arms.

"Why?", Ryder said looking down at me.

"I'm afraid they'll catch us. Again. Like just one look at me and they can already tell I'm a Mali, but using my powers it's like having a sign over my head reading 'Mali here come kill her.", I said looking across the room at the tiny pile.

Those supplies won't even last us two days, especially with the size of this group. We don't even have money to buy stuff once we get to Pittsburgh. I can just see this group collapsing already.

"We're no where near them, they won't be able to find us.", he said in his reassuring voice.

"Yeah? Then why must you take watch? Hm?", I said looking up at him now.

"It's just a precaution.", he said looking away from me, "Anyway, you should be getting some sleep. We got a long walk tomorrow."

"Its gonna be a cold night. I'll never be able to get to sleep.", I said.

"Exactly why you're sitting next to me.", he said wrapping his arm around me while being gentle with my shoulder.

I leaned my head against his, and closed my eyes.

I guess this is better then me curled up in a ball in the corner.

It only took a few minutes from there for me to fall asleep.

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