Chapter Five: Present

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"Hey, get up. We're leaving.", Ryder said shaking me awake.

I jumped a little at the sound of his voice, I'm on edge. Everyone is on edge.

I shook my head and took Ryder's arm as he pulled me up.

The sound of rain was hitting the tin roof, and dripping in through the cracks and holes. It was still dark out as well, couldn't see two feet in front of you.

"Is Kyra here yet?", I asked as Ryder helped me put on my jacket.

"No, it was all quiet last night.", he said retying up my sling around my neck.

"You stayed up all night?", I asked turning to face him.

"Yeah, so?", he said shrugging his shoulders. Like he always does to me.

"So? You're gonna freaking die from sleep deprive, and I ain't carrying your body the rest of the way to Pittsburgh.", I said mimicking him.

"Of course you won't, you got shot remember? I know Riva would do it.", he said smiling.

"Oh hell no. I don't trust that girl, and she so freaking small.", I said looking around to find her fragile face.

"Oh like, you're any taller?", he asked.

"I'm not the tallest girl here, but she is tiny compared to me. She wouldn't make half a mile dragging you along.", I said turning back to face him.

"Mhm.", he was getting bored with this conversation, and so was I.

Mina walked over to the pile in the middle carrying a box. The box looked heavy with water stains and holes that made it look as if it could fall apart at any second.

"Riva managed to find a box of clothing from one of the nearby buildings. Now, go fight over the best ones.", she shouted as we all looked over at each one. Judging which one could we rip a piece if clothing out of their hands.

Me, I just wanted something that was not this dull grey one-piece.

I raced over and grabbed the first thing I saw. A pair of jeans.

I pulled the the jump suit off, being careful of my arm, untying the knot Ryder had created. Not caring for everyone to see me in my bra and underwear, and then slipped on the jeans. The giant holes in the knees was enough to make my legs go cold. Oh well, they weren't orange.

Well, there was now point to put on my jacket now was there? God damn it, the wasted effort.

The box was nearly empty before I was able to spot a girls shirt and jacket. It wasn't the fact I would be wearing boys clothing, but it was that I was too thin to wear them. Just a shirt alone would be a dress on me.

It was a simply grey t-shirt with a single pocket in my left shoulder, and a brown leather jacket similar to Ryder's who had picked up a black one. Only it was smaller for my size.

I put on the shirt and jacket, to let Riva be the one to tie the sling back up into place. Making sure it would be easier the next time I would have to strip for clothing.

"Alright, grab a pack that I arranged for each of us last night. Everyone gets one and only one. I carry the big one.", Mina said, grabbing the two bags she said she would.

I grabbed the smaller one and slung it around my good left shoulder.

"We hope to get to Pittsburgh by nightfall with no incident, worst case there's another town closer to the city that is abandoned.", Mina said standing near the door.

I stared around at the others and we all had faces of fright. We're all scared to get caught again to only be sent back to that dreadful place. No one ever wants to go to Adiuva Asylum. Mali or not, it's hell on earth.

"Let's go.", Riva waved her hand signaling we need to move.

"Don't you think we should leave some stuff for Kyra? For in case she does come.", asked Everett finally speaking up. I never thought he was going to talk once we got out.

"Dude, if she wasn't capture nor dead she would be here, we gave her enough time.", said Mina. Her face cold as ice, we knew she hated Kyra, but she could have some sympathy for Everett.

Everett just put his head down to hide his face, he is such a baby.

"Come on.", Riva said walking out the door with Mina close behind.

Mina, Riva, and Ryder were the ones to hold the guns. Joey got to carry the big medical kit. Joey was small enough, but with that pack on his back it made him even smaller.

He already reminded me of a tiny puppy.

The sun wasn't even peaking through the trees as I walked out the doorway. The air and the cold hit my cheeks. The slight rain was only going to make this worse.

They didn't find any shoes, so we were stuck with our uniform shoes. The grey paper like fabric were quickly soaked. We were sloshing around without even taking five steps.

I stared down at the abyss of the road ahead. The broken glass of the street lamps. The abandoned buildings with inside who knows what. Then further down our hopes of a better future, or at least one that doesn't involve these wet shoes.

I took a big sigh and started walking. Catching up to Ryder who was in the back. Carrying the same pistol in his back pocket.

He noticed me as I walked beside him and he put his arm around me reassuringly, "Don't worry, we'll be alright.", he said.

"Mhm.", I wasn't much for talking and I just wanted to get there as soon as possible. Get out of this rain and cold to move on.

I just want to be done.

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