Chapter Twenty: Past

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After handing over my past, we were escorted back down to The Pit. When I first heard the name I thought there would be an actual pit, but no. It's just flat concrete.

We were all in another orderly line and made our way through a door. Above the frame was a sign that read "Training". You can figure out yourself what the room holds.

The room itself was large, but with all the equipment, drawn lines, and boxing rings it looked small. More white, grey, and black walls just like the rest of this place.

A middle-aged man, probably in his late fifties, approached us, "So you're this months fresh meat? God, this is pitiful", glad we made a positive first impression, "During your stay here, you'll spend most of your day in training. Building up whatever your special power is, and don't tell me what it is because I don't care."

He was like what you would imagine every army sargent looked and sounded like. Loud, bold, and obnoxious. Same buzz cut, grey tipped hair, and muscles the size of my head.

Great, I should do just fine here!

"If you are dying call out Mills, I might come and save your ass. Have fun, Rooks.", he showed as he gestured his hand to the row of torture that laid before us, "Pick your favorite.", he then let us roam.

I walked up to the first thing I saw. It was tall and had weights that I guess I was suppose to lift.

"Pretty sure that would kill you.", it was Ryder.

"Glad to know I have you as my support.", I snapped back.

We continued to look around, circling and watching all the other newbies trying to do something, but ultimately failing. Taking in what we would be doing the rest of our days here. Training and preparing according Mills. Preparing for what, I don't know. At least I'll be fit by the end of it.

In the corner was a small group of other teens. Three girls and three boys. The one girl noticed I was starring, "Hey, you", she called out, "Come here."

I walked over to them, Ryder right on my heel.

"What's your name?", the girl asked.

"Zara. Yours?", I mumbled, being almost shy to talk.

"Mina. You're obviously a Rook-", before she could continue Ryder interrupted her.

"Why do they keep calling us Rooks?", he exclaimed.

"Rooks is basically short for Rookies. We're just too lazy to say the second syllable.", Mina hissed, "Now, if your boyfriend didn't so rudely-", I cut her off.

"He's not my boyfriend.", I sputtered back.

Mina's face began to turn a slight cherry red, completely done with our actions. Very short tempered.

"Really? Because you both have a lot in common, being new here and have guts to chime in.", she began to smile, "I like that."

For being such a sarcastic person, she sure didn't look like one. The long blonde hair, the bright blue eyes, and her freckles made her seem like the perfect role model of a popular white girl. Yet, her attitude and the way she pronounces herself would let you think of her as your annoying older sister. And, I like that, too.

"Back my original question, what can you guys do?", Mina asked.

Ryder answered for the both of us, "Fire, I don't know how else to explain it.", Mina and the rest of them nodded like they understood, "What can you do?", Ryder added.

"Me, Riva, and Zeke here bend electricity, so don't give us your phones or we will kill them.", Mina bragged as she pointed to herself, then the small girl standing to her left, and the freakishly tall boy to her right.

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