Chapter Nine: Present

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"We should have fucking stop.", I exclaimed.

My feet were numb, couldn't feel my fingers, I'm pretty sure my hair was frozen from the rain turned snow, and I couldn't stop shaking.

"Couldn't have agreed anymore.", Ryder said trying to laugh. It turned more into him just clattering his teeth.

I looked forward to the rest of the group who were all rubbing there arms and hands together for warmth.

Except Mina. She stood straight and tall, and moved faster then she did ten miles before.

"I swear to god Mina is not human.", I said looking back up to Ryder.

He smiled in agreement, "Don't worry, just five more miles and we should be in Pittsburgh. I hope."

I laughed, "Where are we holding out anyways?"

"Everett said he has a cousin who owns an apartment complex, he's sure we could at least spend a couple of days before we figure out exactly what's next for all of us.", said Ryder.

I shook my head and turned back to face ahead. A few feet ahead of us was a sign.


5 Miles

Yes! I can feel the warmth against my face already. I picked up my pace and caught up next to everyone else. I didn't care for the pain in my shoulder, it was numbed by the coldness to even feel for it.

I walked up to Everett, "What's your cousins name?", I asked him.

"Andre. He doesn't know about 'this.", he gestured to himself. Indicating his powers I'm guessing. I nodded.

He continued, "So, we gotta keep that in check while we're there."

"What story you gonna make up in to why we're there?", I asked.

"I dunno, wing it?", he said laughing a little.

"Good plan.", I said in a sarcastic tone.

I looked back ahead and I could see the glow of the city through the trees. The faint yellow glow of street lamps.

A new city. A new life. A new beginning, and damn did I need one.


"Oh, hey Everett? What are you doing here.", it was Andre.

He looked very similar to Everett. If I didn't know, I could have guessed they were brothers. Same average height, dark skin and dark hair. Even the same hazel eyes.


"We kinda need a place to stay for the week. Hoping you could hook us up?", Everett asked.

Andre looked past Everett and saw the rest of us. He looked skeptical and appeared puzzled. He gave an especially good look at me and my hung arm.

"The apartments are usually full, but you're in luck. The old lady in the sixth floor died three days ago. She doesn't have any family so I was just going to sell her stuff. Guess you could have it..", Andre said taking the keys to I think the apartment out of his pocket, "But, tell me again why you're asking me this at three in the morning?"

Everett turned and looked at us. Thanks buddy.

I opened my mouth, "We got lost, Pittsburgh isn't exactly a small city."

Andre smirked, "Yeah, guess it isn't.", he handed the keys over to Everett and closed the door with a click.

We all gave a sigh of relief. We made our way up the stairs to the sixth floor and walked down the hallway. It was long, dark, and much of the walls were graffitied with 'Fuck You' on them.

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