No mercy
I made it to the new station assigned to us and met the new officers that was designated to my care. My remaining squad together with Carter and Nate stood behind me as I watched the new officers act like dirty pigs. Some of them were asleep, chatting, busy playing cards and all of them didn't acknowledge my presence. I gazed to my right where Nate was.
"Didn't I order them to prepare." I asked, but it was more of a statement than a question. I can feel my patience running out.
"We tried, None of them listened." Nate says in a low tone.
I looked at them furiously and took the gun from my holster. Nate's eyes widened as I clicked of the safety and fired to the ceiling relentlessly.
The officers were alarmed and screams in panic, some of them even hid underneath their desks. Tch. Cowards.
"Now that I have your attention. Someone explain to me why none of you followed my orders." I said with a cold threatening tone. They all froze, no one bothered to talk.
I reloaded my gun and pointed it to the nearest new guy. "I asked a question."
He immediately raises his hands, afraid to make any sudden movements. "W-we didn't think you'd mind. I'm sorry! Please don't shoot!" He begged.
"Drill in your pig brains that Every detail of what I say to you matters."
I exhaled sharply and put my gun away. "Everyone. I am Captain Raven Grey, and you, All of you answers to me now." I announced as they all listened intently.
"Insubordination of any kind will not be tolerated, or else...." I walked and stopped by one of the desks. The officer stiffens in terror.
"You're gonna have to deal with me." I said plainly and ran my fingers through the shelf. There was a thick cover of dust. I sighed in annoyance.
"And you all are gonna stop living like pigs. I want a spotless precinct. Understood?" I let my voice echoe through out the whole station.
"Yes Captain!" They all answered determinedly.
"Now get your gears. We're heading out." I announced. The officers started on preparing for the bust.
"That was a nice introduction Cap'. " Carter whispers. I let out a grin and shook my head. These really are my loyal idiots.
We all finally got to the Town house where the human trafficking ring was held. We arrested the men who were also responsible for the bombing in my old station. And because of the manpower of my squad, they were outnumbered.
"Look who we have here," I sang and made my way to the leader of the ring. Then I realised it wasn't him, but his brother. They surely look a like.
"Take them to the station. Except for this one." I said with a grin.
"You'll regret this pig. I swear to go--"
He didn't finish his sentence after I slapped his face with a gun.
"Do not call me a pig."
He fell on the ground so I snatched his head and pulled the gun, pointing it at his neck. He stiffens.
"Where is your brother?" I asked with a threatening tone.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." He denies. God, he's a bad liar.
"You may have burned all the files but I know every little detail on your case. " I tightened the gun onto his skin.
"You and your brother are incharge of this whole operation, but he is the head which means without him, the case against you would lose in court, and you all would be set free if we can't arrest him. So you have to sacrifice anything just so he wouldn't get caught." I stated.

The Murderess | Levi x OC
FanfictionShe was one of the most talented cadets the regiment has ever seen. So it came quite a shock to them when they heard that she was planning to join the Military Police instead of the Survey corps.But Commander Erwin Smith isn't gonna let that happen...