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"Shut up!" You yelled at him.

"Please sit down Sakata-san."

"I- just... please, shut up!"

You couldn't get the image out of your head now. Going home to find Gintoki lying on the floor, white hair and yukata stained in his own blood, his wooden sword bashed and thrown to the side, a metal katana wedged into his face, making you unable to see the loss of life in his dead fish eyes.

"Are you a fucking doctor?! Who do you think you are, makin- making me imagine that?!"

"It was a method I had to resort to because you weren't being cooperative," he sighed. "Please take a seat, Sakata-san"-

"No, I'm going home. Thanks for ending my day in a great way. I'm going to speak to the board about cancelling my daily psych evaluations."


"Gintoki?!" You called out as you slid the front door open.

"Oh, Y/N-san?" Shinpachi answered. "You're early today."

"Want some Y/N-chan?" Kagura asked with a stuffed face, handing you Shinpachi's bowl of rice.

You shook your head. "D'you guys know where Gintoki is?"

"Uh, probably out drinking," Shinpachi sighed. "He does it a lot more cause you're out."

You swallowed, feeling your chest tighten. "Okay, um, I'm heading to bed alright? I'm a bit tired."

"Okay..." Shinpachi said hesitantly. Before you closed your bedroom door shut, Kagura spoke up voicing out what Shinpachi wanted to say.

"Are you okay, Y/N-chan?"

You looked back surprised, but quickly recollected yourself and smiled. "I'm okay. You guys just get your fill, yeah?"

They both nodded and watched as you shut the door.

You fell onto the futon Gintoki had rolled out already and dug your face into the pillow, trying to block out the sound of your beating heart.


Shinpachi and Kagura were startled by a sudden scream from your room. They didn't waste time, rushing into your room quickly to make sure you were alright. You seemed startled as well, like you'd just woken up but tears streamed from your eyes.

"Kagura help her out," Shinpachi ordered. "I'll go find Gin-san."

Kagura got to your side quickly and wrapped her arms around you, letting you cry on her shoulder. "Gi- Gin- is he okay?"

"He's fine," Kagura reassured. "Shinpachi's gonna bring him and show you that. You should just try to calm down okay? Gin-chan doesn't like it when you cry."

For some reason, that made you cry more. Kagura panicked but hugged you tighter- not enough to choke you, but enough to make you feel held (Kagura was being careful as to not do the former before)- and that seemed to steady your breathing but you were still shaking and crying.


"Otose-san!" Shinpachi burst through the snack shops door, surprised to see Gintoki sitting there, while Otose poured a drink. "Gin-san? You've been here the whole time?!"

"Yeah," Gintoki said. "What, were you running a marathon?"

"Trying to find you, yes!" Shinpachi yelled. "Y/N-san wants you."

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