5- Admit

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Yoongi p.o.v

Last time my eyes turned red was long long time ago, I'm a calm person by nature, I know I can turn pretty violent when I'm angry so I was sent to treatment as a child to control my anger issues.

Another reason why I'm messed up but that aside for now.

But I'm pretty sure my eyes would have emitted red lasers at the blue haired sitting next to Jimin, his violet eyes can be seen miles away and he hadn't raised them from Jimin's face.

My blood boiled seeing Jimin laughing with him, is he ignoring his eyes?
And why the fuck is Jimin's eyes blue?! They should be orange or red!
Is he enjoying the attention or something?
Maybe he is trying to tease me or make me jealous...

Jimin's body would sway around when he laughs so hard, his upper body bent toward the blue haired dude making his eyes turned pink in shock, I scoffed seeing him getting red at Jimin's close proximity.

You are getting frustrated cause he bent close to you....
Honey I had him naked under me at least three times a week.


I turned around leaving the office, I took my phone out of my pocket and sent my little mochi a message.

You got three minutes to skip the bitch somehow and be at my office.

I sent it and sat at my desk waiting, a small peep from my phone informed me he sent a message,

Or what mr.boss?🙄

Two minutes and twenty three seconds baby boy.

He didn't reply and I waited for him,
I count down and he is supposed to enter the door in three..two..one...

The fuck????

I stood up and opened the door of my office storming out of it to the office where I saw Jimin and the bitch laughing, reaching there I found the bitch sitting alone on his phone, he raised his head meeting mine and stared at me, my eyes went black staring back at him but his eyes turned orange.

I turned away from him ignoring his silly stare contest, I need to find the little brat, I asked Hobi and Army but they didn't see him, I searched the cafeteria but no hope, I reached to my pockets to grab my phone but didn't find him, I sighed turning back to my office where my smart ass forgot my phone.

I opened the door to my office, I was startled by the brat sitting in my chair staring at...
Wait is that my phone?

I marched to him and tried to take the phone but he hid it behind his back and smirked at me,
"Give me my phone why are searching through it without my permission?!",
He laughed and shook his head,
"I like your wallpaper Jagiya",
I felt my eyes turning pink and snatched my phone walking a few steps away from him, opening my phone I was met with my splendid wallpaper,

I marched to him and tried to take the phone but he hid it behind his back and smirked at me,"Give me my phone why are searching through it without my permission?!",He laughed and shook his head,"I like your wallpaper Jagiya",I felt my eyes turnin...

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"Just admit it already",
His whisper sent tingling sensation to my neck, I turned facing him and he took step toward me, I don't know why but I backed away from him, I'm not scared, it's just his dark blue eyes stating at me with that lustful smirk took me by surprise.

Feeling my back touching the wall I stared at him with my slightly pink eyes,
"Admit what Jimin-ah?",
He chuckled lowly, bending down to my neck and leaving a soft peck and whispering to my heated skin,
"Admit that you always want me".

A peck to my jaw,
"Admit that you were jealous of Jongin back there",
He took my hands placing them on his hips and pressing his front to mine,
"Admit you are addicted to my soul and body",
I clutched his hips harshly feeling my dark blue eyes, he stared at my eyes with strange look,

"Admit that you love me",

I closed my eyes to focus and get my mind out of the tempting fog, when I opened them again I saw his look,
His look was like desperation..
Like searching for hope or sign...
His eyes flickered down to my lips and turned slightly silver, I felt my heart pounding faster as he eyed my lips with those eyes.

I didn't notice my head moving forward, his eyes stared into mine with a slight shine, they looked down again to my lips and I noticed him moving toward me, our lips were only centimeters away and I closed my eyes giving up the guard I've belt up around me,
Maybe Jimin would be different than...

A knock on the door stopped us, I can feel his lower lip barley grazing against mine before he sighed and backed away from me,
Another knock made Jimin go to the door and open slightly harsh revealing a coworker of ours saying he brought me my regular coffee, Jimin grabbed the cup giving him a fake smile thanking him and closed the door.

I walked to my desk sitting behind it and sighed tiredly, he moved to my desk and stood there eyeing the cup,
"You never asked me to bring you coffee",
I nodded and stared at his beautiful face almost covered by his blonde hair, he opened the cup and blew softly in it before taking a sip, his nose scrunched in disgust and I laughed so hard,
"Dark coffee with no sugar, never knew you are a sadist".

I laughed again and teased him,
"You like vanilla cappuccino with chocolate chips and sugar, it suits the baby you are",
I giggled then stared at me,
"How did you know my favorite drink?",
"I've known you for years Jimin-ah..... I admit I'm addicted to your details".


I had to change my phone wallpaper to the sleeping Jimin pic to add it here and thank God I remembered to change it back before my mum saw it 😂😂😂

I really love this story 😂
I'm a teaser by personality and this story allows me to tease Yoongi as much as I want 💃🏻🤭

Want smut next chap? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Love you my babies 💜💜❤✨

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