17-Purple suits you

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Jimin p.o.v

I poured the hot water in the cups of choco taking in the calming aroma, glancing toward the living room I stared at the beautiful grey haired male sitting on the sofa staring ahead of him mindlessly, my thoughts wondered to this morning's events.

After lots of arguing with Yoongi last night I convinced him to go to a doctor with me which we did, the doctor was pretty mad at him for taking the suppressing pills for such a long time, he seemed worried and disturbed honestly but I hope it was just my imagination.

The doctor ordered us to get rid of all the pills instantly, we didn't yet..
I'm gonna take them all later tonight and get rid of them, I just need him to calm down now first, he has been through a lot..

Telling me about his past..
Going through another night of nightmares and traumas and crying because I refused to let him take the pill..
Arguing and yelling for hours to make him go to the doctor...
The lecture the doctor gave him for taking the pills and the news of not being able to take them ever again..
Which means more and more nights of nightmares and screams...

I sighed closing my eyes,
I'm gonna need to move in with him temporarily, I need to take care of him, Army is here for him but I can't let the girl take care of him all the time every night,
It takes me long time to calm him down every time so I'm gonna need to talk to her and ask her how she used to do it.

I took the cups of choco and went to the living room and sitting slowly next, he glanced at me thankfully and took the cup taking a sip, his eyes are orange, we sat in silence but I know his mind was full of chaos.

I got up putting my cup on the table,  turned off the living room lights but leaving the kitchen lights on, I walked back to him but he didn't even notice anything, I took his cup of choco out of his hands putting it on the table next to mine, I sat on his lap straddling his hips, his eyes widened in shock but he soon smiled slightly placing his hands on my waist.

I stared down to his baby blue eyes and smiled at him with mine, I caressed his cheek softly feeling him. rubbing my skin under the shirt with his thumb, my heart was speeding up with love, I moved my face closer to him nuzzling our noses together before placing my lips on his.

The kiss was calm, not tongues, not moans, no rushing, just pressing our lips together telling each other that we are here for one another, his arms circled my waist hugging me to his chest not breaking off the kiss, I put my arms around his neck and sighed softly.

We broke off the kiss and stared into each other's orbs, blue eyes long gone and now purple waves shining in the dim room,
"Purple suits you the best",
His smile widened showing gums and I pecked his lips one more time,
I hummed to him nuzzling our noses again,

I frowned slightly tilting my head to the side,
"Of what?",
"A lot of things honestly"
"Like the fact that I'm gonna face everything now, no more ways of escape, like the possibility of you leaving me in the end, lik-"
"Wait wait hold on, who the fuck said I'm leaving you?!".

He stared for a second at me then lowered his head,
"Jimin you saw how I become like at night because of those nightmares, you might believe you can do this and stay with me but let's be honest here....you don't know when you gonna start realizing your mistake".

I felt my eyes flashing red at him and I took deep breath to not scream at him,
"Yoongi...your ex was a bitch, I'm not a bitch!....I mean I can be a bitch sometimes but that's for those who deserves it! But you!! You deserve my heart, my love, my body, my faith and my purple eyes, so if you think I'm going anywhere think again hoe I ain't going anywhere".

He stared at me with wide eyes before he broke off laughing, grabbing my neck and leading me into a hot kiss that was by no means like the one before it, I moaned licking back his tongue, he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I sucked on it furiously enjoying the taste of choco on it.

We yelped in horror and almost fell off him, turning around we found the whole folk standing at the door with Army in front of them with the keys of the apartment in her hands, all of them staring at us with wide eyes and mouths while Jungkook was still busy crying out about his eyes in the bathroom.

Well shit...

"So you guys are boyfriends?",
"For the motherfuckin last time Tae we aren't! We are friends with benefits",
"Why didn't you tell us anything?",
"Well you don't tell us what you do with my sister everyday with both of you are locked in her office right?",
Hoseok and Army's face flushed,
"Don't change the subject!",
"There's no subject Army, you all need to either respect my and Jimin's decisions cause obviously you don't know the whole story or you can just fuck off".

We all stared at Yoongi shocked before Namjoon spoke,
"Chill Yoongs, we are more than respectful to you both",
"Yeah actually we ship you guys",
"Yoonmin for life!",
I stared at Jin and Tae in happiness and started laughing along everyone, we stayed up for a while playing and messing around.

It was almost two in the morning now when Army grabbed an empty bottle smirking at us all,
"So......who wanna play truth or dare, hmmm?".


Okay guys I want you all to make the truth or dare thing!
You gonna kindly write the questions and dares you want the characters to give each other,
So for example of you want Hobi to ask Yoongi whether he likes Tangerine you gonna write:
Hoseok ask yoongi: do u like tangerine?

P.s: You can be wild as much as you want (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✨

Hope u liked the chap and sorry for being late (again😑😂🤦🏻)❤💜

Love u butters🐥🐥💜✨

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