8- Medicine mess

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Jimin p.o.v

I woke up to the yelling of Army and Yoongi in the living room, somehow I ended up in Yoongi's bed when I remember clearly that I fell asleep in the living room next to him last night, he must have carried me back to his bed at some point.

I walked sleepily to the source of the yelling and expected them to be having the regular sister-brother yelling, however...that wasn't the case..

Yoongi was on the couch holding his head between his hands and shoulders shaking, Army was standing in front of him with her hands on her waist and her face as red as a tomato with the deepest frown I've ever seen on her face literally glaring daggers into Yoongi's body.

I stood in my place without a sound,I know I should tell them I'm awake but my heart was beating way to weirdly telling me I need to know what is this all about.

"So you're not gonna tell him?",
Yoongi didn't answer and kept his head down,
"I WON'T!!!",
Army stared at him after he snapped at her, he was now glaring back at the girl and I can see his tears that ran down his face.

"I...I can't...he won't understand...and I...I can't lose him too",
Army's eyes softened at her brother,
"He is my everything now Army...I don't care what these feelings are but I know they aren't love...I don't want them to be love",
His body shivered and his eyes lowered back to the ground,
"If it's love I'm gonna end up losing him too...so screw love I don't want it".

Army went to her brother and hugged him patting his hair, Yoongi was shaking so much and I felt my head getting dizzy, I can't understand anything he said, I walked back slowly to Yoongi's room and sat on the bed.

Yoongi love someone, but he is trying to ignore these feelings...
Could it be me?
I mean...his eyes went purple looking at me so..
Or was it just the moment of euphoria after our little moment in bed with no real feelings?
Could it be someone else?

What did he mean by 'losing him too'
Did Yoongi lose someone he loved before? But why??

My head hurts so much, it's just too early for this shit...

I looked at Yoongi's nightstand, he must have any pain killer for my headache here right?
I opened the drawer and saw some huge amount of pills inside,
Sleeping aids,
And even a strange looking orange pill, the hell does he do with all of this??

I took one painkiller and gulped it with some water from the jar he keeps next to his bed, I stared at the sleeping aids, Yoongi can't sleep well? But why? Maybe he gets nightmares or just keep on thinking a lot over night?

And what about that strange looking orange pill?
I took it and turned it around to read the name but it didn't have any name on it!
No description or anything at all to show what this is...

I took my phone and snapped a photo of it then put it back, I heard footsteps walking toward the room so I laid down quickly closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep.

The door to the room opened and someone walked in, they walked around the room and by the small sniffles I can tell it's Yoongi, he walked toward me and heard the drawer being opened, a bottle of medicine was opened and he took one gulping it with water as well.

He put it back in the drawer closing it and sighing, I felt him staring at me, soon hot breaths caressed my face as he neared me, I felt a soft peck to my temple,
"Can I drag you to my mess?".

I wanted to snap my eyes open and scream at him that yes he can!!
That we can be each other's mess!
That we can be messed up and fucked up together!
That I love the mess he is...

"So perfect...so perfect to be messed up with my pathetic real life",
I felt tears in my eyes but controlled myself, I felt a small peck to the corner of my mouth,
"But that's the only way I can feel you, with my hands and lips..."

I felt him getting up and leaving the room, I opened my eyes and sighed, What's in your little mind Min Yoongi?

I waited for twenty minutes or so then got up and exited the room stretching and yawning,
"Good morning Jimin oppa",
I turned to Army and smiled, I can see her smile wasn't the real genuine one but I didn't comment,
"Morning my beautiful lady",
She giggled and shook her head.

I turned around and saw Yoongi setting at the kitchen counter staring at me,
"Morning Yoongi-ah",
He nodded and took a sip of his cup of coffee, I rolled my eyes at him and went to the fridge bending down to take search for something to eat, I can feel him staring at my butt and I admit I bent a little lower cause...why not?

I sneaked a glance at him and just like I expected his eyes flashed with dark blue were stuck on my butt, I giggled catching his attention, his orbs turned pink along with his cheeks,
"Oh please not in front of my cappuccino!",
We heard Army groan then stood up exiting the living room.

A moment of silence before we both bursted out laughing, i sat next to him on the counter and cut an apple in half giving him one of the two halves, he took it and smiled softly, I can tell his smile wasn't comfortable and it made me sad,
I took his chin in my fingers turning him to me, he had half of the apple between his teeth so I bit into the end of the apple facing me.

He stared at me and his eyes turned dark blue again....
Not the color I'm waiting for honestly..

I smiled at him chewing on the apple and he stared at me, his eyes softened and the dark blue was fading and I waited excitedly with purple eyes waiting for his purple eyes, he stared to my eyes and how I was waiting for something in his but his eyes turned sad, silver taking over so quickly.

I felt my smile falling and I wanted to dig a hole and lay in it, he looked at his cup of coffee not meeting my eyes anymore, I neared his head and pecked his cheek softly,
"Where are they?",
He turned to me with a questioning look,
"Where are your beautiful purple eyes jagiya?"....

His eyes widened staring at me in complete shock,
"Wh..what are you talking about?",
"The purple orbs that stared into mine last night... Can I see them again?",
He looked so pale and his eyes flickered so quickly toward his bedroom door for some reason but I caught it,
"I don't...know what you are talking about".

I cupped his face turning him completely to me and pecked his lips twice,
"I don't know your secrets Yoongi...but I'll pick up the pieces".

He stared at me with teary eyes that soon turned black...
"Pull me close to you now?",

I nodded hugging him,
"Pull you close to me now...always jagiya".


Yup I'm trying to slide in the song lyrics bit by bit cause it has an important part in the story at some point 😉💜

How was your day darlings?

Hope y'all are safe! ✨
Love you 💜✨❤

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