15- Hormones of colors

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Jimin p.o.v

I fastened my steps to Masul's lab, she told me she had to talk to me urgently about the orange pill and I felt my heart stop hearing her tone, it was laced with worry and sadness.

Last night was a whole rollercoaster one, after we fell asleep I was once again waked up by Yoongi's groans of pain and panting, I noticed how he was clutching his head in pain and how his eyes were again a strange mix of unreasonable colors,
And how the colors disappeared when he took another orange pill.

I huffed walking faster wanting to run the way to Masul to get this over with, I've a bad feeling in my gut and I can sense I won't like what I'm about yo hear from her.

"Come in Jimin-ah",
Again....I didn't like her tone...
I entered the lab and sat on one of the chairs, when she tried to talk I raised my hands stopping her,
"I don't want anything to drink just get into the point",
She sighed and nodded taking a seat too.

"Okay what I'm about to tell you needs your full concentration",
I nodded and she took a deep breath,

"For ages, human being's eye color and skin and hair were determined by the amount of a ceratin secretion in our bodies called 'Melanin pigment', believe it or not, humans eyes were constant color that didn't change from their moment of birth till death",
My eyes widened, human eyes never changed before?

"Yeah, but just like everything else, human beings developed,
Now our eyes colors change but not by that single secretion anymore,
It changes by our hormones",

"That's why they change by our moods, because our hormones controls our moods,
For example.....'endorphin' hormone is responsible for feeling excited and happy, when it increase in body it changes the pigment of eye color into blue, so that's why our eyes turn blue when we are happy".

I nodded taking in this information, I never thought how this works, I was born like this and like everyone it was so normal to me,
"When the level of 'Seratonin' decrease in body it cause sadness, depression and sometimes suicidal tendencies, Seratonin appears in eyes by silver color"

"Adrenaline plays a very important role too, when it increase it cause high blood pressure and the blood capillaries widen making us blush and our eyed turn pink,
It's also secreted in what we know as fright, flight, fight moods,
When we are facing a scary situation it's secreted by certain amount that produce yellow pigments in out eyes...scared......
When facing an annoying situation more amount are secreted..turning our eyes slightly darker from yellow to orange...annoyed...
When it's secreted to full amout...that's when our eyes turn red....anger and rage",

"Our eyes turn green when we are either worried or confused, this color is color is controlled by both Adrenalin and Estrogen honestly, the link between them isn't clear yet though",

"'Testosterone' is responsible for feeling tired sometimes, when it increase in the body it appears as the nasty brown color,
And as you know black means emotionless...basically being empty and your body shut down from everything...nothing is secreted in reaction to any situation".

"Okay Masul....I got all of this now...but what about the..umm..dark blue and purple?",
She smiled at my pink eyes and nodded,
"Pretty much the same,
In females...'estrogen and progesterone are responsible for lust and arousal...progesterone goes for males, the three hormones produce the same eye pigment..dark blue"

"Love....and that's our main point here...is produced by two hormones...
Oxytocin and vasopressin hormones,  when they increase in body they cause warmness and fuzziness in body with increase of eye pupils, symptoms known as being in love, now they also cause purple pigments....the color of love".

I felt my heart beating hearing this and I smiled...that's beautiful....
"That's...amazing...what's the problem now??",
She sighed and got up, she grabbed a small plate that had the small orange pill inside it, her expression worried me so much....

"Jimin-ah...love is beautiful...but...it's double faced ...
Oxytocin hormone is known as the hormone of love, but it's also a very dreadful hormone darling,

the hormone actually strengthens social memory in one specific region of the brain, Northwestern scientists discovered.

If a social experience is negative or stressful, the hormone activates a part of the brain that intensifies the memory. Oxytocin also increases the susceptibility to feeling fearful and anxious during stressful events going forward"

So....Oxytocin increase in body can cause painful memories and traumas to appear and intensifies....


Dont...don't tell me this pill decrease oxytocin from the body...",
She nodded at me with sad eyes,
" it does...Yoongi oppa takes this pill because he loves you, being with you makes his oxytocin increase...so his traumas attack him and cause him panic attack and pain, so he takes these pills to suppress his oxytocin...that's why you sometimes see the purple color...it's when his love for you is so hard that the oxytocin gets produced in double amounts despite the pill...or either because the pill affect is fading and he needs the next dose".

She wiped my tears with her thumbs,I can't believe it,
He actually loves me..So much...
In all those loving situations and affection..small purple strings would appear for me...
But his love for me caused him pain and trauma,
That's why he wakes up with nightmares and pain,
That's why he never allowed us to sleep together after sex,
That's why he didn't like kissing me,
Because sex produce hormones of arousal not love, while kissing is the gesture if love and affection which cause purple...


"Jimin-ah...that's not all I have to say...",
Now what???

"I mentioned another love hormone....vasopressin....
This hormone is responsible for love too so he is suppressed by that pill too Jimin...
But that hormone can cause severe health conditions when it's produced in small amounts....

Jimin it can be life threatening...."


"Calm down! It's a medical related subject to the ADH and I'm not going to explain that shit to you now! All I need you to know is that these pills are dangerous!".

"Okay...I'm...I'm gonna go take all the pills and throw them away or burn them !",
"Wait...did you notice any situations of Yoongi being in pain? Like headache?",
I felt my heart falling...
Her face paled and she sighed,
"Yoongi...has been taking these pills for a while...if he started feeling pain that means he had been taking them for a while".

"So What?? What do you mean Masul ??",
"His hormones are messed up...the vasopressin hormone level is already so low...he needs to go to a doctor at once Jimin".........


All the scientific names mentioned are true and their affects on moods are real, I just linked them with affecting eyes pigments 😋💜😉

Did everything get clear now??
I hope I didn't make u bored with this science lecture 😂😂💔🤦🏻

Love you butters 💜😌✨

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