22-Fight for you

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Jimin p.o.v

I laid on the bed gasping for air, Yoongi rolled off me to the side panting too, our sweaty bodies pressed together side by side,
This was the third round until now, my body is so wrecked with oversensitivity, but we can't get enough of each other, it feels like we are trying to memorize each and every curve on our bodies, like we are trying to leave as much marks as we can on each other,
Like its the last time....

My eyes teared up, Yoongi was so different, his touches, his thrusts, his eyes, his voice, his grip on my skin,
It was like he was scared, like he isn't sure he can do it again,
And that scared me,
But I'm not gonna mention it, I'm not gonna ruin the moment,
The moment that can be our last one together...

"Why are you crying love?",
"Yoonie...Yoonie please...can't we just... back off with the surgery? Baby please...I'm so...scared",
He turned to me and hugged me, our bodies were naked and sweaty but I don't mind, I sobbed to his shoulder and he shushed me softly,
"Jimin...please, for tonight....don't mention this....let me just...love you",
I nodded and laid back pulling him over me.

I cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply,
"I wanna feel you all night, I wanna love you all night",
I nodded and hugged his shoulders to mine as he slide inside me,
"Jimin....I love you",
I stared at his dark purple orbs, those orbs I fought for, those orbs I cried for, I felt mine turning darker purple staring into his,
"I love you Yoongi".

I groaned opening my eyes slowly, yawning and whincing at the slight pain in my lower region, Yoongi really wrecked every living light out of me....

I turned to my side and didn't see him in the bed, my eyes widened looking to the clock on the wall,
12:43 pm....
No....please no....
Yoongi's flight was supposed to be taking off at 10 am...
I missed it... He didn't fuckin wake me up,
I screamed loudly with tears rolling down my face.

I whimpered and sobbed to the pillow for minutes...long painful minutes,
I got up and wore a shirt the covered till my thighs, I took my phone and opened it to call Namjoon.

I had a message from Yoongi,
It was a video..

I opened it with my heart beating so loudly,
He was sitting in what seemed like an airport, his bag next to him, his eyes puffy and hair sticking everywhere,
He had tears in his eyes,
He looked to the camera and smiled slightly,
"Hey Jimin.... I know you wanna kill me right now but please calm down.... I couldn't wake you up Minnie",
"Why bitch why!!!",
I screamed to the phone even though I know this is a recorded message,
"I didn't wanna see you crying... I didn't want my last picture of you is while you are crying...I didn't want the last voice of you to be of you begging me to stay".

I choked on a sob falling to the ground with the phone in my hand,
"You are so ... Stupid Yoongi",
"I know you must think I'm a stupid... But believe me... This is way better",
I shock my head closing my eyes letting more tears roll down,
I opened them slowly pouting at the phone with more tears, he got closer to the camera and his silver eyes shined.

"I'm gonna come back...I promise you... I have so much yet to give you Minnie, I wanna kiss you more, I wanna take you out on dates, I wanna take you on a vacation to Paris, spend time in a fancy hotel with you, take you eat different types of food and drinks there, then go to the grand casino
'La bise'",
I sobbed loudly and nodded, he remembers, he cares, he loves me.

"I wanna plan our wedding",
I gasped covering my mouth and my eyes widened,
"I wanna plan our wedding, I wanna travel around the world for our honey moon, I wanna adopt a child with you...I wanna make it up for all I've put you through and for every precious tear you shed for me",
I was gasping for breath with every word, a mix of happiness and fear swirling inside me at his tone and silver eyes.

"So I'm coming back Jimin... Promise baby...I'm gonna fight for you",
I nodded choking again on a sob and smiling sadly at him,
"I love you Park Jimin...Jagiya"
"I love you Min Yoongi...Jagiya".



Next chapter coming up shortly 😭😭😭😭

Love you butters I'm sorry 😭😭

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